Jeff Bezos vs Bill Gates, Which Individual is Far Greater?

When we talk about the richest man on the planet currently, the name of Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates are far too common to be heard nowadays considering that their net worth as of writing is $109.3 billion and $110 billion respectively. I mean like who doesn't know these two right since Jeff Bezos is the founder of Amazon whereas Bill Gates is closely related to Microsoft. It seems that Bill Gates has also beaten Jeff Bezos as the world's richest man(again).

Let's make a comparison between these two and decide who is far greater than the other.

1. Business development

Originally, we know that Microsoft was established by two partners which is Bill Gates himself and Paul Allen on 4 April 1975. They started to build Microsoft through their inspiration and decided to merge ideas as well as their capability and skills in the world of business.
Whereas Jeff Bezos is famously known as the Lone Wolf since He built his own business empire without the help of a friend or any partners. This character is similar to the wolf which loves to hunt alone, and Jeff Bezos can be seen to love going solo.

It can definitely be said that Jeff Bezos surpassed Bill Gates when making a comparison in terms of building their very own business empire. It is rather unique when building their business empires according to the philosophy The Lone Wolf. We can definitely see that Google, Facebook, Oracle, Bloomberg, Microsoft, Apple, and other big companies out there all have founders exceeding one person. We can also see Michael Dell(founder of Dell Computers) having one similarity with Jeff Bezos as The Lone Wolf.

2. Business Value

When it comes to customers, Jeff Bezos seems to put an emphasis on it whereas Bill Gates looks more into his competitors. Apart from that, Bill Gates is also well known for his business philosophy as Anti-Competitive.

Bill Gates loves to bring down his competitors in which he applies the principle of 'cut, copy and paste' to promote his business products. This has caused his actions to be subjected to legal actions according to the law.

Again, Jeff Bezos seems to be ahead of Bill Gates when we take into account the business value of both companies. These are one of the quotes by Jeff Bezos regarding the importance of customers:

Our Vision is to be the world's most consumer-centric company, where customers can come to find anything they want to buy online

3. Determination and Hard Work

Bill Gates can easily oust Jeff Bezos in this category. This is because Bill Gates works 18 hours a day even though he is the boss. 
Apart from building up Microsoft, he also reads a lot and writes many books in many fields. In contrast, Jeff Bezos only promotes his product such as Amazon which seems to be the apple of the eye of everyone.

4. Being Insightful

Bill Gates has gone through many hardships and failures before he founded Microsoft with Paul Allen. For instance, Bill Gates started his first business which is Traf-0-data in which he did not succeed. Jeff Bezos, on the other hand, found his recipe to success easily.

However, Jeff Bezos is known to be a womanizer or someone who likes to drink and be merry. We already know about the divorce that occurred in 2019 between Jeff Bezos and his former wife, MacKenzie S. Bezos which seems to affect his image heavily.

Bill Gates appears to dominate this category, not to the fact that Jeff Bezos is less insightful but Bill Gates seems to have gone through many ups and downs as well as focusing more on the future compared with his rival who is lost in the world of consolation.

5. Expertise in Computer Hardware

Both of them are considered Programming Wizards and they are very experts when it comes to computers. Both of them are computer geeks and nerds. Aside from that, they both are self-taught and discovered by themselves.

And for the first time, it looks like this category will be a tie for both of them since they are both very experts in this field.

6. Creativity

Basically, they are both very creative in their own way in which one side provides services while others have their own business products. But, Jeff Bezos is seen to be more ahead in creativity and having bright ideas when we look at what he did for Amazon.

Whereas, Bill Gates, on the other hand, can be seen to be following the pattern of the creativity of his competitors. He will simply reduce the price of his products so that he will put more pressure on his competitors' sales. This will soon drive them out of the competition.

7. Courage

We can definitely see both of them being courageous based on their actions in the past and both of them are definitely brave to take big risks in their businesses. For instance, Bill Gates is willing to let go of his big opportunity in studying at Harvard University for the sake of building his own business empire during the peak of the Dotcom phenomenon. 

Jeff Bezos started his business empire in the comfort of his own home without much help as well as financial support.

8. Optimistic

And yet again, they both seem to tie as well in this one due to both of them did not prioritize money as their ultimate goal to build their very own business empire. Even though Bill Gates gets all the reputation of being the richest man on the planet at the age of 31, he never forgets to give back to the people and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was established. Billions of dollars were donated by him up until now and this clearly shows that money is not everything to him.

This can also be said with Jeff Bezos when he always put his customers' satisfaction as his number one priority when compared to his own company. The hard work finally paid off when more loyal customers are using the products and services provided by Amazon.

Both of them are great

In a nutshell, we can see the accomplishments of both of these billionaires and it seems that Jeff Bezos can beat Bill Gates overall. However, this does not mean that Jeff Bezos is far greater or inferior because the same thing can be said about Bill Gates since both of them are considered very successful today. Many things can be learned from them both so that perhaps we can also become like them one day.

What do you think each one is lacking?

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