7 Tips to Become Successful from Jeff Bezos

Everyone must have heard of the richest man on the planet, Jeff Bezos by now. He is always seen to be giving out his inspirational talk as well as his tips for becoming successful. He definitely starts from the bottom as he builds his website in his garage until it became one of the biggest companies in the world.

Amazon has helped a lot of sellers in promoting their products and services online and helping the buyer get what they need. Jeff Bezos has prioritized his customer above all things to ensure that they received the best service out there.

Here are 7 of his tips that we can learn especially if you want to improve your business and daily life.

1. Always be Thrifty

You must have thought that how can Jeff Bezos become thrifty in any way especially considering that the office of Amazon is located in the most expensive place in the United States, Silicon Valley. If you look at the workers of Amazon, they actually have to pay to park at the office, snacks are not being given for free and if they were ever to go outstation, the workers would share rooms instead.

As a general rule, Amazon is only a place for them to work and not a place to chill and relax.

2. Think for The Long-Term 

Things were never smooth for Amazon since they were losing money from the beginning. They first started the business in e-books which were considered quite new in the market. As we can see a lot of publishers were selling the books both on paper and online for the same price. However, Jeff Bezos decided to sell them for a much cheaper price.

At the start, Amazon was losing $5 USD for each e-book sold but as time goes by this strategy started to pay off since we all know that people are much more into gadgets rather than offline readings. On top of that, Jeff Bezos also decided to open a company called Kindle to manage and conquer the e-book market.

3. Make the Right Decision

Some of you might not know that Amazon first started out as an ordinary bookstore. As you can see that not necessarily your first move will start out great for you just like what happened to Jeff Bezos but as time goes by, his decision definitely paid off.

Books can be sent easily and they're not that fragile. Books also have no expiration date and they rarely returned just simply because you have finished reading them considering that you bought them. With that being said books are very ideal when it comes to e-commerce and they will not lose out too much. 

4. Customer is King

Jeff Bezos understood that any online business will always look at the customer's perception. For years, Amazon has always added cool features for the purpose of its customers' convenience which ultimately will improve the sales of the company.

Loyal customers will surely return to their favorite shop as well as recommend the products or services to their friends. 

On top of that, Amazon also wanted the feedback of its customers since there is always room for improvement. Feedback will help Amazon shape what it will be like in the future as well as a good review will definitely encourage other customers to buy from Amazon too.

5. Make Your Own Rules

Before anyone wants to pitch in their ideas to Amazon, they must first write their ideas down in a 6-page document. Before making any decisions, those who are involved including Jeff Bezos himself must take time to read and study those ideas.

Another rule set up by Jeff Bezos is by assigning a small group for a specific task. He used the rule known as 'Two Pizza' which is basically a group of no more than 10 people in which two pizzas can feed the entire group. 

But it doesn't mean that the pizza must be present.

6. Willing to Take Risks

It can be said that Jeff Bezos is someone who is willing to take risks in his business and his life. No matter the situation, he always believed that risks are something that will make you succeed in the end.

Not just that, Jeff Bezos is always giving out awards to his workers who dare to take the risks.

As you all know, there is no such thing as a risk-free business.

7. Learn Constantly 

There is never an end when it comes to learning as there are always new things to be discovered. It seems that the never-ending process of learning, expanding, and innovation is what has led Jeff Bezos to become successful as we see today.

For him, we must always push our limits and never be too complacent with what we have today as you never know what lies in the future.

In a nutshell, never always be in your comfort zone. We must always grab the opportunity as they come by and never be afraid of taking risks. Always learn as much as you can since one day you might be as rich as Jeff Bezos or maybe even richer.


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