The Inspiration of the Philanthropist, Anne Scheiber

We hardly ever see on mass media showing the story of how a woman was able to become one of the best investors out there but you will certainly see most men make it happen. 

That person will be non-other than Anne Scheiber who showed that being a woman does not stop her from becoming successful just like most men out there. She managed to pull off an unimaginable task where she turned $5000 into $22 million.
Let us see what is so amazing about this wonderful woman. 

Anne Scheiber Background

Anne Scheiber was born in New York and grew up with 9 of her siblings. Her father passed away when she was only 10 years old and her mother became head of the family.

Anne Scheiber was forced to go into the working world when she was in her teen years due to the state that her family was in so that she could put food on the table. Despite having to work hard just to get paid so little, this did not stop her from achieving her dreams and getting her Bachelor of Law.

However, later on, she decided to work for the Internal Revenue Service(IRS)

The Start of Her Career
From the start, Anne Scheiber was just a regular woman living in New York trying to make a living and was not that well-known. But one thing about her is that she is willing to do what it takes to strive for success.

With that being said things did not go well for her so she decided to resign in 1944. This is because she believed the salary being given was not worth the task at hand and she was paid less than $4000 a year. If we were to see her work performance, Anne Scheiber is far ahead compared to her colleagues. 

Another reason for her to quit was that she never even got a raise and she believed that it has something to do with discrimination towards the opposite gender and that women were constantly looked down upon and considered weak.

The Start of Investing
After she quit her job, Anne Scheiber only has $5000 left in the bank with an annual pension of $3100. Of course, she did not simply leave her old without having a backup plan. 

She managed to lay out her strategy of learning and researching the stock market for as long as 50 years. By making several good investments and managing her money properly, Anne Scheiber rakes in huge profits with a hefty amount of $22 million until the end of her life.
Despite herself collecting that immense amount of money, there are some of her habits come into question until this day. One of them is that she will take the meal served during the shareholder's meeting and will eat it for 3 days. 

The Act of Giving
Before Anne Scheiber died, she starts living at her old place again until she holds her last breath. She is definitely an inspiring person who donated all of her wealth of $22 million to the University Albert Einstein School of Medicine and to a woman who is poor and unable to continue their studies at the Yeshiva University's Stern College.

One thing that Anne Scheiber hoped for is that all of her hard work will change people's perspective toward women who are being tormented and discriminated against. However in the beginning no one knows the true identity of the donator.

Anne Scheiber definitely showed the way of gaining more money and the importance of investments in the stock market as it is considered a gold mine for most people out there. She studied the stock market for 50 which shows that patience is key.


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