4 Best Jobs For Introverts

Some of you might have familiarized yourself with the word Introvert and one thing that will come up to mind will be those who are always quiet. You might even be reading this right now and are currently seeking a job that best suits you.

Introverts are those who always listen more than talk, think before saying anything, spend a lot of time with family as well as be the best friend you could ever wish for.

Introverts are quite the opposite of extroverts since they need time to adapt to the new environment. They are usually shy when it comes to mingling with people that they don't know. 

Let us see what are the best jobs out there that are very suitable for those introverted readers out there. Some of these jobs might require you to be prepared, train more, and even get the appropriate certificate to be eligible for the job. 

1. Psychiatrist/Psychologist
As mentioned before, an introvert will be those who are a good listeners. They can hear out problems and seek out the best solution for them. 
These natural traits of an introvert will definitely come into good use especially when one really needs to be empathic and sympathetic to become a good psychiatrist/psychologist. 

However, they will also need a proper degree to become a qualified psychiatrists/psychologist.

2. Writer/Editor
Similar to what I am currently doing, introverts can also consider becoming a writer/editors. A writer/editor has many autonomies, can think creatively and critically and not to mention that this job can easily be done at home.

Of course, for any introvert to become a good writer/editor, one also needs to have good typing skills and a wide range of vocabulary that will be used in their writing.

There are some out there that do not have a blog/website and write for others that do. If you feel like someone who wishes to retain the writings and own them yourself, then you should definitely consider building your own website/blog.

Besides, it is easier to control something that you own and you can definitely promote your writings on social media like Facebook or Twitter.

3. Chat Support
We all must have come across a chatbot whenever we are surfing on a web page and it states, "Hi, How may I help you?"

If we have any doubts or questions to ask, we can simply start a chat with them. There are even times that we are communicating with a real-life person. These agents on the line can help us with any problems that we might have.

This typical job will require the person to react instantaneously and professionally to rectify any problems the customer might have.

Not to mention that the customer will always be the ones that are not in a good mood and want to have their problems sorted right away. Patience is definitely a trait that most introverts have and will certainly help them in this job.

4. Translator
If you are who love to learn new languages and are a very coherent speaker of these languages then this should be the job for you. It could be of any language like English, Arabic, Mandarin, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, and many more. 

You will definitely have no problem translating tv scripts or films, audio recordings, written documents, or even flyers. 

You might think that google translate is the easy way to go but when it comes to translation from a human, it is definitely more accurate. Most translators work in the comfort of their own homes and as an introvert, you can also try it.


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