Which Country Has The Highest Density of Population

As time went on everything grows at an exponential state whether it is the economy, politics, and even population. We always see how China managed to have a very dense population to the extent that the country used to only allow one child per family.

The development of a country will lead to an increase in the population regardless of whatever reason it may be. If you live in a country where you still have a comfortable space to live in then you should definitely be grateful for it.
There are those out there that can't even live in a proper house despite having a stable income. Here we would like to share with you the top 10 countries with the highest population in the world. Bear in mind that this will be based on km per square foot.

10. Mauritius
When mentioning Mauritius, many people will picture a very clean and blue ocean which is a great place for any vacation. But Mauritius is also one of the top dense populations in the world.

With only an area of 2040 km square feet, this country has a population of 1,262,132 in 2016. This means that an average of 618 people lives in an area of 1km square feet, Most of the citizen does not live in the city mainly it's the capital city, Port Louis which only has a population of 148,000 people. 

The rest of the millions of people are scattered across islands in the Hindi ocean. The country is also well known for one of its residents that became extinct, the Dodo bird. When the European discovered this island back in the 17th century, there were only 50 people living here and Dodo birds were living with prosperity.  

The Dodo bird became extinct mainly due to people hunting it as food and a hobby.

9. Taiwan
Also known as the Republic of China before this, there have been some questions going around about whether Taiwan is a country or not. Regardless of that, it has been agreed that it is another country with a high-density of population.

This is all thanks to the increase in the development industry that was increasing tremendously making Taiwan the 19th biggest economy in the world. With a current population of 23,867,049 as of writing.

Based on the measurement made in 2017, Taiwan has only 36,197km square foot of land which makes the average density of the population of 650 people/km square foot. What's more surprising is that a big portion of their population lives in the west of the island. 

You can imagine how congested it will be living in this area. 

8. Barbados
Similar to Mauritius, this island is also one of the hotspots for your vacation that is if you love the sun and beach. This small country has coverage of only 439km square feet but a population of 277,821 people in 2010.

This made the country has an average population density of 660 people/km square feet. With a very high density, this has led to many environmental issues since the sewage system was not able to cope with the number of people living there.

Not just that but it also affects the coral ecosystem as we can see many of them have died. The government then decided to take the initiative by solving this problem and making the island clean again.

7. Bangladesh
Despite Bangladesh sitting in 7th place on this list, it is one of the many countries with a high population which was 162,951,560 in 2016 with coverage of 147,579km per square foot. This made Bangladesh with an average population density of 1106 people /km per square foot. 

Not just that but it is also listed as one of the highest poverty countries in the world according to Forbes but the country is also known as "Next Eleven". This means that the country will reach the next economic superpower in the future as we see a decrease in the poverty rate.

With that being said it is easier said than done as the world banks have stated that the obstacles between Bangladesh and the country's development will be the government itself and the weakness of the people overall.

6. Maldives
There are many beautiful islands on this list however as you can see the limited amount of space, has caused a high dense population in the Maldives. Not just that, Maldives is also predicted to be extinct in 100 years to come.

With a population of 427,756 in 2016 and a coverage of 298km square feet as well as an average population density of 1102 people/km square feet. The people who live here are constantly looking for a new place to live due to the rising tides which increase as much as 59cm. 

It is also expected that the capital city of Maldives, Male, will soon be drifted by the sea in 2100. The local authority is now in the process of buying pieces of land in Australia, India, and Sri Lanka as a place to stay in the future.

So, you can visit this mesmerizing island before it disappears forever. 

5. Malta
Another which also has a similar problem of congestion with a lot of people. Situated in between the ocean of Sicily and North Africa, Malta is a country with an estimated population of 445,426 people on an island of 316km per square foot.

The average population density is 1,410 people per square foot and this country which sits in the Mediterranean ocean became the place of choice to visit due to 7 unique places which were named by UNESCO as the Wonders of the World. 

The country also received 1.2 million tourists each year so you can imagine how congested it will be. Malta has become the hotspot for many Britains who decide to settle down for their retirement. 

So you can expect the citizens to be mostly among those aged 50-64 years old. Malta might even face house shortages in the future. 

4. Bahrain
Situated in the Persian Gulf, Bahrain has a coverage of 765.3 km per square foot and a population of 1,425,171 people in 2016. This made the average population in Bahrain to be 2007 people per km square feet. 
What's more surprising is that the people are mostly concentrated in two cities mainly Manama and Al-Muharraq. This is because 92% of the country is comprised of desserts as far as the eye can see. 

If that's not trouble enough the country also received as many as 8-9 million tourists each year which is mainly from the neighboring countries after Bahrain was open to outsiders in 2004. There are a lot of tourist attractions in Bahrain and one of them is the F1 racing circuit. 

Before Bahrain became developed as we see it today, the country used to become a place for industrial development as well as oyster farms. 

3. Vatican City
Sitting in 3rd place on this list will be Vatican City, a small country located in the middle of a busy city and also a very holy place for the Catholics. Despite the country being so small with a coverage of 0.44 km per square foot and almost 1000 people of the population has made the country very congested. 

The average population density is 2272 people per km square feet. The country is ruled by the leader of the Roman Bishop which is also known as the pope. Not just a very popular yet most visited place, but the country also has a gigantic library owned by the Christians.

The library holds many historical artifacts especially related to Christ itself and is a favorite place to visit for historians out there. 

2. Singapore
For a more extremely dense population, let's have a look at the top 2 countries on this list. With only coverage of 721.5km per square foot, Singapore has a population of 5,612,300 people in 2017. 

Around 62% of this population lives in the main city and this made the average population density of the country to be 7,796 people per km square feet. Not just that but the country also received 11 million tourists each year.

Due to the lack of land, most of the people that live here have to live in high-rise buildings like apartments and condominiums. Currently, the has been a project going on to increase the landfill by as much as 70km per square foot. 

As of now, tall buildings will be the mainstay of home for Singaporeans and it has been reported that there are 59 buildings with a height of more than 459 feet high with the highest being 919 feet.

1. Monaco
The last country is very well-known for the wealthy and rich people to stay and that is no other than Monaco. The number of people living here is only 38,400 but when you compare it to the piece of land that is merely 2.1 km per square foot then you'll definitely be shocked at how small it is.

Monaco has the highest average population density in the world which is 18,713 people per km square feet. Not just that, but it is also the country with the highest GDP per capita of $153,177 and has 0% unemployment.

It is definitely a place worthy of the ultra-rich and even though the country is more congested than Bangladesh, it seems that many people are still willing to live there. You of course will need big bucks in order to live there as most of the estates will cost you millions of dollars.


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