Top 8 Highest Currency in The World (2021)

Currency can be considered similar to a living organism in the world as they constantly change from time to time either by adaptation, fitting in or even growing. Therefore, the currency can be said as something hard to predict and understand. 

For instance, being the most expensive currency in the world does not mean that it is the most powerful one out there. To this day, all currencies are compared to the United States dollar giving USD the power to dominate in this situation.
With that being said, USD is also not the most expensive currency at the moment. Here we would like to share with you the top 7 most valued currencies as of 2021.

8. Euro

After the United States Dollar, Euro is the second most traded currency in the world and the second biggest currency reserved in the world. It is quite surprising as the Euro currency has only existed since 1999.

But it is understandable as most countries in Europe have still used this currency until today as well as certain countries in Africa. 

7. Cayman Island Dollar(KYD)

In terms of a place for tax protection, Cayman Island has proven hard to be beaten. Their role in providing power to hundreds of banks, protection funds, and insurance companies is unrivaled as the KYD functions so well and was acknowledged as one of the most valued currencies in the world. 

The country's GDP stands at number 14th in the world based on its Purchasing Power Parity(PPP) value.

6. British Pound Sterling (GBP)

It was once known as the most valued currency in the world, but the British Pound is not as glorious as it once was. In fact, the value has kept on decreasing to the incident that is still going on today. 

Of course, a currency will rise and fall following the course of time and there is no reason to believe that the pound sterling will not rise again. The United Kingdom is one of the European countries that decides to not use the Euro.

The fact that the British Pound still exists today just shows what a miracle it is for the country. 

5. Gibraltar Pound(GIP)

Gibraltar Pound or GIP is the national currency of Gibraltar and it can be exchanged with the nominal value of the British Pound. 

This means that you can use both GBP as well as GIP in this country, therefore for all the British folks out there, if you forget to exchange for some GIP then no worries as you can also use your own currency in this country.

Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territories which means that Gibraltar has a constitutional and historical link with the United Kingdom(UK). 

4. Jordan Dinar

After 4 years of getting its independence, the Jordan Dinar has officially become the legal tender of the Hashemites government of Jordan. Before this, the currency was being used unofficially by the Western region of Palestine. 

Dinar is one of the world's foreign currencies and the reason behind its high value remains mysterious. This very country itself was not developed economically and does not have any natural minerals to benefit from. 

However, that did not stop the Jordan Dinar to become one of the most valued currencies in the world. 

3. Oman Rial

In the Arabian Peninsula, Oman does not have any mystery behind its highly valued currency, Rial. The country's strategic location has provided the people of Oman with a developed economy as well as improved quality of life.

Oman currently possesses one of the most valued currencies in the world and despite its versatile economies, Oman has relied heavily on its fuel exports. Currently, Oman sits in 25th place for having the biggest oil reserves in the world.

2. Bahrain Dinar 

Bahrain is considered the hotspot for many tourists and this is a blessing for the country as it does not need to rely solely on fuel exports to boost its economy. 

On top of that, there are also many natural living things across its island and the impact of the Grand Prix Circuit located there has given positive outcomes for the country all year long.

All of this has contributed to the success of the Bahrain Dinar which is now currently the second most valued currency in the world.

1. Kuwaiti Dinar

The Kuwaiti Dinar still remains the most valued currency in the world as of writing. Kuwait is a small country with its own greatness.

Half of Kuwait's GDP comprises the country's fuel exports and that alone can explain the wealth that the country has. 

However, Kuwait has its own future plan when it will not rely on the exports of fuel alone by having the second-biggest stock exchange among the Arab countries. 


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