What If There Was No Internet?

To this day with the advancement of technology, the human race has put high reliance on the internet to get on with their regular lives. Generally, the internet is used as a medium for fast communication with other people aside from it being used to obtain references.

Have you ever wondered what life would be like if access to the internet was suddenly cut off around the world? Of course, it will not be just you who would scream in shock and panic simply because you cannot access social media but crucial sectors will be heavily impacted by this.

Let us see some of the main things being affected by having no internet around the globe.

1. Daily Tasks Become A Hassle

Without the internet, our daily tasks will become much harder to be completed not to mention that most of them require active internet access. We might be able to do some of our tasks or jobs but one thing for sure is that it is not going to happen quickly.

Doing things manually is definitely something to avoid as it will take a lot of our time just to get a few of the tasks done. With the fast deadline having internet will certainly expedite the whole process making it less of a hassle to deal with.

2. Telecommunication and Traffic Becomes Disturbed

It can be said that 80% of telecommunications services around the world will be disturbed when the internet is cut off. You will find that most things like television, smartphones, and computers will not be able to function like they normally would.

That's not all as even traffic will also be affected since the lights are controlled by computers and the computer will not be able to update any sort of data without the internet. Even online banking services will not be able to be used and most online transactions will be on hold.
You will see most people queuing up in banks just to make a transaction.

3. Stock Market Is Affected

There is a high chance that the stock market will be down due to no internet service. This is because almost all of the global stock market uses the internet and robots to perform the transaction of buying and selling stocks.

So we can expect the downtrend of most stocks globally and it will definitely impact a lot of traders out there. Panics and riots will be among the things that will highly likely happen.

4. Most Businesses Cannot Operate As Usual

Generally, most businesses out there will need the use of the internet to operate especially when it comes to human resources, operations, and many more.

Business transactions cannot run as usual and most of the work being done will be at a much slower pace than usual. For instance, things related to logistics and transportation, purchasing, invoice, and other business-related activities will either be put on hold or cannot run smoothly.

5. Food Supply Will Be Low

No internet will also mean that the process of obtaining food will be much harder and this will result in people panic buying everything in the supermarket. Most people will feel unsafe not knowing what will happen next whether domestically or globally.

People will be prepared for the uncertainty and this includes preparing for food supply before it becomes difficult to get any.

In the end, having no internet in the whole world will definitely cause chaos to not just the economy but also the social interaction between us.

Despite the internet has a lot of positive effects on our lives, there is no guarantee that the internet will have zero negative impact on us. Therefore, it is advised to use the internet wisely and appropriately.


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