Top 10 Most Expensive Mineral Water In The World

Water is considered a necessity required by all living beings on this Earth, especially humans. We needed clean water to drink so that our body system can function properly. Based on the recommendation, every person should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Mineral water on the other hand is taken from an underground water source through springs, motion, and many more. Mineral water brings several benefits to one's health and companies out there are using this opportunity to sell it to consumers.

Because of this, there are also mineral waters out there being sold at such an absurd price. Most of them are sold at such a huge price in a bottle as it was believed to be rather exotic or rarely found. while some out there are deliberately selling it at an expensive price as they thought it to be a luxurious item.

Here we would like to share with you the top 10 most expensive mineral water in the world.

10. Finé ($5) Every 750 ml

This water is taken from the water spring of Mount Fuji in Japan. The mountain itself is considered one of the most mesmerizing places in the world. The water spring is located 600 meters under the mountain valley and is quite pure. The channel is also not contaminated with other pollutants and has a very soft palatable taste.

The company behind Finé started its business in 2005 and has sold water at $5 for every 750 ml bottle of this high-quality water spring.

9. Tasmania Rain ($5) Every 750 ml

This right here is symbolic of its own name as the water is taken from the Tasmania rain source which is an island located in southern Australia. What made it more extraordinary is that the water is collected straight from the sky as the water reaches the ground.

The average rainfall in Tasmania island is among the cleanest water around as the water itself is collected before it touches the ground.

8. Lauquen Artes Mineral Waters ($6) Every 750 ml

The water source of this water bottle is from an aquifer at a depth of 1500 feet surrounded by 20 acres of forest in a remote area of South America Andes. This is another water that comes originally from its source so you should not worry about its cleanliness.

Not just that the temperature of the water is constantly at 4 degrees celsius as it is bottled and sold for $6 for every 750 ml bottle.

7. AquaDeco ($12) Every 750 ml

Just by looking at its name and packaging, it is good enough to show how much money was spent on making this perfect bottle. However, the AquaDeco water is more than just the design as this water has once won a gold medal for the best non-carbonated spring water in 2007.

Even the writer has not heard of such an award but I am definitely glad to hear that it exists. You can get your hands on this water bottle in many posh restaurants, hotels, and spas.

6. 10 Thousand BC ($14) Every 750 ml

This water comes from the Hat Glacier Mountain in British Colombia, Canada. It will take around 3 days to get to this location to extract the mineral water which explains why it is one of the most expensive water bottles in the world.

5. Veen ($23) Every 750 ml

This mineral water which is sourced from Finland is said to be from one of the cleanest water sources in the world. The water spring is located in a small village in Tengelio, Lapland.

Veen water spring is said to be filtered naturally through the ice age before forming the Konisaajo water spring which is in the artic part of Finland.

4. Bling H20 ($40) Every 750 ml

The water spring known as Bling can be found in the English Mountain Spring, Tennessee. The water itself is bottled at the same place the water source is located and the process consists of 9 steps so that it does not contaminate.

The Bling H20 mineral water is said to be quite glamorous and bottled similar to a bottle of champagne and made from Swarovski crystal. It is only served in luxurious restaurants and spas.

3. Filico ($219) Every 750 ml

If you love chess, then you would also love to have these bottles as they were designed to represent the respective chess pieces primarily the king and queen. The shape was designed in such a way to show that Filico water bottles are decorated with golden crowns associated with royalty.

The water source can be found in Kobe, Japan and it is bottled with Swarovski crystal glass to make it look more elegant.

2. Kona Nigari Water ($402) Every 750 ml

This mineral water is believed to help reduce body weight, give more energy and improve the quality of the skin. The water source comes from Hawaii, 1000 feet below sea level and it is mostly sold in Japan.

This mineral water will definitely help you quench your thirst and it contains certain electrolytes that will help you throughout the day. Even certain dermatologists recommended this mineral water for general health and well being and it seems some people are willing to buy it at this price.

1. Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani ($60,000) Every 750 ml

Sitting at the top of this list will be the most expensive mineral water in the world with a hefty price tag of $60,000 for a bottle. The water spring is sourced in Fiji and France as well as being bottled in 24-carat gold. 

It was specially designed by Fernando Altamirano from Tequila Ley. He was also responsible for designing the Cognac Dudognon Heritage Henri IV which was considered the most expensive cognac bottle in the world.

Its mesmerizing packaging will definitely leave you overwhelmed and your wallet better be flushed before making this purchase.


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