5 Characteristics Of Low IQ

Over the Internet, the majority of people who felt they were smart due to their high IQ are constantly in the debate. Perspectives and views are thrown out especially when one is under heavy criticism.

Simply being said not a single person in this world is born stupid and everyone is unique in their own way. But psychologically, there are some characteristics that differentiate those who are considered smart from those who cannot think in a rational way.

These features, however, can easily be identified as long as we are capable of immersing ourselves in this world. Here we would like to share with you 5 characteristics that are crystal clear you have a low IQ.

1. Have a Low Level Of Curiosity

Most children will have the traits of curiosity since they were little as they try to understand everything that is happening around them. This is definitely true if you are married with kids as you witness your child asking different types of questions repeatedly.

And at the same time due to the limited amount of types as well as being too busy with work, we would simply ignore such matters assuming that they are of less importance, and instead focus more on our daily routines.

A person with a low IQ will have no interest in discovering new things, refuse to ask as well as feel satisfied with whatever they have already known. These people felt it is adequate to continue with their usual lives instead of learning new things.

2. Have A Closed Mind

One of the major issues that are highly apparent among netizens is how closed their minds are in accepting different points of view or even something new. Most people are prone to having a certain belief that they hold onto without looking at it from another perspective.

At the same time, these kinds of mindsets also contribute to a person's ego and ultimately make it difficult to accept others' opinions that challenge our minds. This trait can clearly be seen throughout our community.

The person fails to open his mind, constantly feels that they are right, and is afraid to be challenged. This will ultimately close his visions that should have made them smarter in the first place.

3. Unable to Evaluate Own's Actions

Failure to identify your own weaknesses and actions is another characteristic of those with a weaker mind. A person with a low IQ will not be able to reflect on themselves and improve their bad personality or relationship with others.

Instead, they love to point fingers and blame the people around them when things went south. There are some matters that can be easily solved when we put the burden on ourselves allowing us to see what went wrong.

These kinds of people will keep being in their own state of mind, always putting the blame on others and always with aggression thinking that they should defend themselves against any unfortunate events.

4. Not Realistic and In A Fantasy

When it comes to a political matter, for instance, we can see how many netizens respond and give their thoughts on things that are sometimes illogical. Everyone will have their own demands that need fulfilling but in reality, those requests are hard to achieve.

What made matters worst is that some individuals will try to put their fantasy burdens on other parties like the government, politicians, and the people wishing that their prayers are answered and without ever thinking of changing themselves first.

A person with a fantasy mind has one sort of utopian thinking that they wish to form giving them the unrealistic life that they desire. And if their wants are not achieved, the attitude of blaming those around them will always come around.

5. Black and White Thinking

All situations can be seen in many different ways but those with a weaker mindset can only see things in a black-and-white manner. If black was chosen then it will be white at fault and vice versa.

As we have stated previously, the easiest way to improve ourselves is by living in reality. If the real world cannot be put on the basis of a fantasy world, then the black-and-white thinking should also be the same.

There are literally millions of people around us with various different perspectives compared to us. The moment we accept others' points of view and realizing own's mistakes shall be the first step toward success.

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