Top 7 Most Popular Fruits In The World

Fruits are the most crucial part of our diet providing important minerals and fibers. Due to its benefits, the popularity of fruits has grown drastically over the years with various types of fruits available in all parts of the world.

The consumption of fruits differs according to regions with some of them have limited access in some countries due to a country's legislation and also the availability itself.

On top of that fruits can be consumed in many ways like smoothies, sorbets, ice cream, and many other dishes. The fruits can be a good snack on the go to provide that boost in energy for a short period of time.

Here are some of the most popular fruits in the world measured in million metric tons(MMT).

7. Pears (23.73 MMT)

Unlike other fruits on this list, pears did not originate from a single region but instead in many parts of the world. These fruits might be less preferred than apple but it has been enjoyed and grown in China for more than 3,000 years. China becoming the dominant producer of pears at over 16 metric tonnes each year.

The pears have a very unique crunchy and sweet taste to them almost similar to the apple. It can easily be grown in your garden or even on the side road of the streets.

6. Mangos (40 MMT)

Mangoes are highly produced in India with around half of the global's production coming from this country. The fruit itself has been cultivated for more than 4000 years and the fruit only became present in America until the 18th century, as well as Portugal, brought it into Brazil and the Spanish to Mexico.

Mango is rich in Vitamin C as well as a great source of fiber. They also have other medicinal properties making them a great choice for better health.

5. Oranges (75.54 MMT)

The intake of oranges amounts to 75.54 metric tonnes each year and it was first believed to be cultivated in China in 2500 BC. It was then introduced to the American country in 1493 and the top-producing orange country today is Brazil at about 15 metric tonnes or roughly 20% of the global production.

Orange has a very sweet and sour taste to it making it one of the favorite fruits as well as its richness in Vitamin C. Making juice out of it is perhaps the best idea on a hot sunny day.

4. Apples (86.14 MMT)

One apple a day keeps the doctor away as they say and the apple is the 4th most popular fruit in the world with an estimated 86.14 metric tonnes being produced. The apple fruit originated from Central Asia and has a connection with the Silk Road.

Unlike other fruits, apple is not simply grown all over the world with the main countries being China, the US, Turkey, and Poland exporting their apples to other countries worldwide.

The interesting crunch and sweetness of the apple are what made them quite unique with many varieties available out there. However, Japan's Fuji apple is perhaps the one that is favored by many due to its relatively large size and satisfying taste.

3. Watermelons (103.97 MMT)

Nothing feels great after a hot sunny day than to take a very refreshing and juicy watermelon to quench your thirst. Watermelons are easily accessible around the world even in some dry areas where some fruits cannot be grown.

Watermelons can easily be planted only a few months before their harvest season. Watermelons originated from the Egyptians where ancient hieroglyphs have proven the presence of watermelon which was considered a precious fruit and was included with the Pharaohs as part of his journey to the afterlife.

Similar to tomatoes, China is the leading country in watermelon production making almost 73 million tonnes annually. Due to its juiciness, watermelon is a common ingredient in most alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

2. Bananas (115.74 MMT)

Bananas might just be one of the most loved fruits out there with people taking it as they do their exercise. Banana was believed to have come 10,000 years ago from the South Pacific or specifically from southeast Asia but the exact location was yet to be known.

India stands at the top of the list for producing the highest amount of bananas each year close to 30 million tons. There are also various species of bananas and it is a great snack to take that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and also carbohydrates.

Eating bananas will also help in your digestion, especially for those struggling with constipation. In most cases, bananas are usually eaten raw but can be incorporated into certain dishes.

1. Tomato (182 MMT)

Despite tomato being considered a type of vegetable in some communities, it is still classified as a fruit by nutritionists. The Tomatoes that we eat today originated from the Andes, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, and Ecuador.

The fruit was cultivated back in 700AD during the Aztec civilization and it was then brought to European countries later on. However, China is the leading country in growing tomatoes producing almost 57 million tons each year.

Tomato is mostly grown by the traditional cultivation method but most of them are planted in greenhouses and irrigations. This fruit is mostly used in one of the most favorite Italian dishes which is the pizza sauce.

Aside from that tomatoes can also be eaten raw.


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