10 Type Of Foods To Lower Cholesterol

Are you looking for food that reduces your cholesterol level and helps with your heart problems? Well, don't worry; here we will share the top 10 foods that will lower your cholesterol level if you eat them every day.

Is there any food that can lower your cholesterol level or is it only a myth? A person's diet plays a massive role in determining his or her cholesterol level. The food intake that can achieve a balanced cholesterol level can help prevent health issues including heart attacks and strokes.

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a sterol fat lipid that moves in our blood circulation and can be divided into two main types:
  • Good Cholesterol refers to the High-Density Lipoprotein(HDL)
  • Bad Cholesterol is known as Low-Density Lipoprotein(LDL)
The word bad that exists in LDL cholesterol is due to the collection of fat in our blood vessels. This will ultimately block blood flow, and depending on its location, it will cause a heart attack or stroke.

Whereas the good cholesterol or HDL will help eliminate the bad cholesterol from the body through our liver. A high HDL cholesterol level will reduce the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke.

So lets us see the 10 types of food that can reduce our cholesterol level and should be a part of your diet.

1. Eggplant

Eggplant contains a high level of fiber and also happens to reduce your cholesterol level. The fibers will help to increase the rate of cholesterol in the blood. It also reduces the risk of getting a heart attack, stroke, obesity, and diabetes type II.

2. Apple

Taking two apples a day is believed to reduce both types of cholesterol levels. This practice can also reduce the level of triglycerides(a type of fat in the blood).

Apple also contains polyphenol which is a compound that has a positive effect on the cholesterol level.

3. Fatty Fish

Fatty fish or oil fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel is a high source of good omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 can repair the damage to the heart by increasing the HDL Cholesterol level and reducing the risks of inflammation and stroke.

This heart-protecting benefit can also be obtained from other fish with the peptide compound in the fish. However, it might not be as good as fatty fish.

4. Fruits

Fruits are good examples of food lowering cholesterol to be added to your diet. There are many types of fruits that are high in soluble fibers that will help to reduce your cholesterol level. This includes citrus fruits and strawberries.

Fruits also contain a bioactive compound that helps prevent heart disease and other chronic illnesses due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Nuts

Nuts are a source of good unsaturated fat and can help reduce bad cholesterol, LDL. The food that reduced this cholesterol is high in fibers and can control the rate of absorption of the cholesterol by the body and this will increase the process of its elimination.

Some of the nuts that are suitable for a healthy diet and reduce cholesterol will be:
  • Almond
  • Walnut
  • Pistachio
  • Pecan
  • Hazelnut
  • Cashew Nuts

6. Dark Chocolate

The cocoa in dark chocolate contains a flavonoid which is a compound that is found in most fruits and vegetables. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties found in dark chocolate can give its users various health benefits overall.

However, those with high cholesterol levels are recommended to take dark chocolate in moderation especially when most of them contain high saturated fats and sugar.

7. Green Tea

The compound catechin that is found in green tea has high antioxidant properties and it will give high benefits to one's health.

The consumption of green tea is believed to change the cholesterol level significantly by reducing the total cholesterol and LDL while maintaining the HDL level.

8. Dark-Colored Vegetables

Generally speaking, all vegetables are very good for the heart. But then, dark-colored vegetables are considered very beneficial and among the foods that lower cholesterol levels.

Vegetables like spinach contain lutein and carotenoid which is associated with a lower risk of a heart attack. This kind of vegetable will help reduce cholesterol by tying it with bile acid, thus making the body eliminate more cholesterol.

9. Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil(EVOO) that are commonly used as cooking oil is among the 10 foods that lower cholesterol levels and are very good for the heart. The monounsaturated fat content contained in olive oil can help reduce the level of LDL.

EVOO also comprised antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that will provide a protective effect on the cardiovascular system.

10. Okra

The gel-like substance inside an okra is known as mucilage which helps reduce the cholesterol level during the digestion process.

This will ultimately eliminate the cholesterol through the feces.

In a nutshell, it is crucial to ensure that your cholesterol level is always in balance to reduce the risk of getting a heart attack and stroke. If you are ever unsure of which food is suitable for your diet, it is best to seek a dietician's help in your area to get the best advice possible.


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