Health Benefits of Beansprouts

Beansprouts are considered sprouting plant that is still in their early phase. The process of making beansprouts starts with taking the mung beans and lentils(easiest and fastest to sprout) and placing them in water for a few hours.

The beans that have been soaked will be exposed to a conducive temperature and humidity that will allow the beans to grow. In just 2 to 7 days, it will start to sprout and be ready to be harvested after reaching a height of 2 to 5cm.

Aside from beansprouts, various plants can grow similarly such as:
  • Soybeans, black beans, and green peas
  • Cereals such as brown rice and quinoa
  • Vegetables and leafy shoots like radish, broccoli or beet
  • Nuts or beans such as almonds, alfalfa beans, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.
Plants that undergo this process can be eaten as such raw or by your choice of cooking.

Health Benefits of Beansprouts

Beansprouts unfortunately are a type of vegetable that most don't like regardless of age.  But many might not know about the potential benefits you can get from beansprouts for your general well-being.

1. Rich In Protein

It has an amount of protein twice that of beef or chicken. On top of that, it can also boost male fertility by producing the required hormone for it. It's definitely something that most men had trouble with.

2. Rich In Enzymes

Compared to other vegetables, beansprouts contain 100 times the enzymes. This is very crucial for the body, especially during digestion. This will help those individuals who have problems with indigestion and bloating.

3. Rich In Fibres

If you constantly face constipation then this vegetable suits perfectly for you. This is thanks to the number of fibres that can be found in beansprouts. The fibres will aid in breaking down the fat and toxin in our body for ease of elimination.

This will also help you to maintain your body weight.

4. Rich In Antioxidants

It is rich in antioxidants and amino acids that will give various health benefits to the consumer. What's important is it can fight off cancer and repair the brain's functions.

At the same time, eating it will make you stay younger and more elegant.

5. Rich In Fatty Acids

The beansprouts are a great source of fatty acids, especially with the presence of Omega-3 which is good for your diet. So aside from fatty fish like salmon, you can also add on beansprouts as an alternative.

6. Important Vitamins

This is the most important aspect of beansprouts which are rich in vitamins like A, C, E and various parts of B's. These vitamins are vital for one's growth and development part of the body.


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