Top 10 Most Corrupt Countries In The World

Corruption is any country's biggest enemy and it has a massive impact on society, the economy, and the development of a nation. From the ancient world until the modern age, almost all civilizations have faced the troubles of corruption.

A particular country can be ultimately destroyed and become unstable when there is a system that is unjust and the roots of political corruption. Based on research, corruption can also reduce foreign direct investment(FDI) into a country.

Foreign investors will not only look at the Corruption Perspective Index(CPI) but also at the country's overall system for curbing corruption. Any corruption happening from the highest to the lowest level and flourishing in the private as well as public sectors will result in the loss of confidence from investors towards the country's economic integrity.

For most corrupt countries around the globe, we will often see their judiciary powers being lowered and limited due to immense pressure from political power. Here we would like to share with you the list of the most corrupt countries across the globe.

Establishment of Transparency International

The establishment of a non-profit, non-governmental association based in Germany, Transparency International defines corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. This organization is responsible for arranging the CPI of countries and stated that corruption invigorates the global crisis in democracy.

Corruption has also become a constant phenomenon around the world at different levels. It is common to occur in developing countries and in fact, also exists in developed nations. According to a report it was estimated that $1 trillion was paid in bribery annually worldwide.

Corruption will have a devastating effect not only on individuals but also on the whole society and country. On top of that, it will also impact the country's international status, economic growth, and country's development.

For instance, it has been proven empirically that corruption caused wage disparity with the top 20 poorest countries being hugely impacted. Two of the most apparent economic effect due to corruption includes the loss of confidence from investors and the outflow of capital to other countries.

10. Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan is an authoritarian country where political rights and civil rights are almost non-existent. General elections are closely regulated to ensure the winner sides with the president and their supporters.

The economy is powered by systemic corruption in the country as we see religious activists being apprehended and differences in political perspectives are just unacceptable. There are no institutions across the country that can freely perform their tasks without being involved in corruption.

9. Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea is a relatively small nation rich in oil and gas situated in the East-West of Africa. It comprised Rio Muni, Bioko Island, and 4 small islands on the coast. In the 1980s, there were many oil deposits found under the ocean in the country's vicinity.

The discovery of oil has made Equitorial Guinea one of the richest nations in Africa. Oil contributes around 4/5 of the country's GDP. Despite the immense wealth of oil, the same cannot be said about the quality of life of its people.

The companies involved in the exploitation of oil and gas in the country include Exxon Mobil, Marathon Oil Corp, Kosmos Energy, and Noble Energy. Human Rights Watch and other activists have long documented the non-stop oppression by the government towards the civil community and opposition political groups.

The bribe involved took everyone by surprise as it siphoned the country's large economy on oil and gas.

8. Libya

Libya is a country with a long history of the war in Africa which witnessed the overthrow dictator regime during the Arab Spring. Following that, the country is trapped in many civil wars with different groups controlling certain parts of the country.

This political unrest has caused corruption to thrive in a country that already had a weak political institution. The main corruption to occur will be the smuggling of oil into the black market by civil officers as well as bribes to settle court cases.

7. Afghanistan

A country in the intersection of South and Mid Asia is well known as one of the most invaded countries in history. This mountainous country is also the biggest opium producer in the world and home to warlords such as the Mujahidin and Pashtun tribes known as the Taliban.

Now the United States of America and its international partners pull out their armies from Afghanistan marking the end of almost 2 decades of the US army's presence in the country. The pullout of all international soldiers from the country also will leave a vacancy in power that will be hard to fill for the government of Afghanistan.

6. North Korea

North Korea or its official name the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea is a country in East Asia. It has been ruled under a dictator regime with the people having little to nothing over access to the outside world.

The information about its people is almost impossible to be accessed which opens the door to corruption. Since 1948 North Korea has been ruled by three men from the same family.

5. Yemen

Yemen or also known as the Republic of Yemen is a country located in the Arabian Peninsula. Yemen is widely considered a failed nation due to the country's state of constant civil wars, lack of access to clean water, and most importantly corruption that is prevalent.

It is one of the poorest countries in the Arabian Peninsula. The country was totally shattered as a result of a civil war that happened in 2004 and is still ongoing to this day.

4. Venezuela

Venezuela is the country with the highest oil reserves in the world and oil-producing country since 1914 when its first oil well was commercially drilled on the east coast of Maracaibo lake. 

The democratic institution of Venezuela has plummeted since 1999 but matters became worst this past decade due to the constant focus on obtaining power at the executive level and the brutal aggression towards the opposition.

The local authorities have closed almost all paths towards different perspectives in politics and ultimately preventing civil rights and apprehending the resistance without taking into account the legal process accordingly.

The human crisis that hit this country hard has caused millions of lives to fight for its needs followed by a massive migration of its people to other countries. The corruption in the country becomes rampant and most law agencies have been proven incapable of curbing the rising crimes.

3. Somalia

Somalia is a country situated in the East of Africa and it is formed from the merging of several British colonials and Italy Somaliland which became independent in 1960. Somalia is considered a failed country with little to no improvements in terms of its economy and political development.

After the fall of the Authoritarian government led by Siad Barre in 1991, there were no functional government centers that exists for more than 20 years due to the ongoing civil wars.

The transitional governments that were formed since the year 2000 were mostly unsuccessful.

2. Syria

Syria is one of the Arabian countries that was listed as the top 10 most corrupt countries in the world. Syria was under civil war during the Arab Spring when the government decides to retaliate against the protestors.

This civil war has created a very unstable surrounding in the country. An unstable country is more prone to face high corruption levels.

1. South Sudan

South Sudan is an isolated country on the east coast of Africa and west of Ethiopia. After years of civil wars, South Sudan finally gained its independence from Sudan in 2011. But the constant aggression still remains in the country.

Abuse toward civilians still occurs including sexual harassment that forced more than 4 million people to leave their homes and 7 million Sudanese to require humanitarian aid. The peace prospect of the country is uncertain since the government of South Sudan has only shown the refusal to end the war or even prioritize the needs of its people.

Society around the world needs awareness of the huge impact of corruption that is getting worst as we speak. This is because corruption can occur everywhere you go and can be in so many forms regardless of business, government, court, and even media without us even realizing it.


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