10 Ways To Escape From Fire

Fire cases occurring in buildings are something that constantly occurs 24/7 wherever you are in the world. Whether it is caused by self-negligence, treachery, and even mother nature itself due to high heat and lightning.

Regardless of that, it is imperative that you know what exactly to do whenever confronting such situations so that death can be absolutely avoided. Many lives have been lost by the fires and despite the presence of the fire department, these cases will never stop.

Most of us are unaware of what needs to be done when faced with such incidence and ultimately causing our own lives. Some of the main causes of death while trapped in a burning building are suffocation due to the toxic smoke, being crushed by heavy objects like the ceiling and walls, and ultimately getting burned by the fire.

Here we would like to share with you 9 important ways how to escape from fire while in a building.

1. Remain Calm

The first crucial step is of course to remain calm when facing such a situation. It does not matter whether it involves other cases of emergency like drowning or a car accident, you will have to remain calm.

Yes, it might not sound easy but you will soon realize how helpful it is to be calm. If you were to panic straight away, you will not be able to think rationally and often make mistakes. Not just that but panic will also cause your heart to beat faster and make you suck in more of that toxic smoke.

2. Gather Around

If you ever come across anyone in the building like family members or friends or just anyone, it will be wise to gather around at a safe place. This is to make sure that no one goes missing and makes it harder to escape.

3. Save Yourself

You can try to save yourself as fast as you can if the fire has not spread and you are confident in your way out. You need to make sure that your path to the exit does not pose any danger to yourself.

Only you yourself will know the exit route if you are at home. Call the emergency line as soon as you manage to make the escape.

4. Call The Rescue Party

If you are unable to save yourself and your family members, then you will need to dial the emergency number as quickly as possible before the fire disables it. This is so crucial since the fire can spread so quickly that by the time you realize it, it will be impossible to put it out.

The fire department will take quite some time to arrive at the fire location. Therefore, it is important to make the call first before anything else happens.

5. Crawl On The Floor

The toxic smoke from the fire will accumulate at the top of the ceiling. So to avoid breathing in too much of that smoke, it is best to be in the lowest position possible. If it is possible, grab a wet cloth and cover it over your face to filter a bit of that smoke.

6. Stay Away From The Walls

If you are close to the walls, you are endangering yourself if suddenly the wall collapse on top of you. And when this happens, your chances of escape become zero as the fire will get to you way before the rescue team arrives.

So you want to stay far away from the walls as possible and try to be in an open space.

7. Put Out The Fire On Your Body

Knowing how to put out the fire on yourself is crucial to avoid getting second to third-degree burns. If your clothes were on fire, you have to act fast. The way is to not panic and immediately lie on the floor and start rolling your body.

By doing this, the fire will be put out rapidly.

8. Block Incoming Smoke

For those who live in an apartment on a high floor, it is best to not make an attempt and escape through the window. If you become trapped in your own room, close the door and use any blankets or sheets to close any space that will allow the toxic air to come into the room.

This way, you will not breathe any of the carbon monoxides from the outside.

9. Try To Get Attention From Inside

If the fire was too big for you to make any escape, try to be close to a nearby window so that those who are outside can see you. Throw out anything that can easily burn like the curtain out the window and try waving something like an SOS sign so that the rescue team can come to you.

If possible, try to use something colorful so that they can actually see you.

10. Don't Act Like A Hero

It's never wise to act like a hero and go back to the fire to save someone. A building that is on fire will easily spread and by the time you're inside, your escape route might have been completely blocked.

Leave the job to the rescue team and those who are more experienced. You have definitely done your best to make it out alive.

Preventive Steps

Now that you have known all the steps, it is good to also know the preventive steps that need to be taken to avoid any potential fire in the future. Always check for your surroundings to see any damaged wires around your house.

If there were any, then replaced them as soon as possible. You should also never leave any electric appliance close to a water source or even exposed to children.

The sockets around your house should not be burdened with more than it should especially connecting high Watt electrical appliances together such as the refrigerator and washing machine.

Most fire cases occurred due to the high electrical usage in one socket. Hope that we all are aware of the potential danger around us and may this article educates us on the preparations that need to be done in dangerous situations.


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