Top 5 Most Expensive T-Shirt In The World

The body deserves something of the best quality and what better way to show it than wearing the best shirt that money can buy. The reality is that many people will judge you based on the way you look and the way you dress yourself giving the impression of who you actually are.

If you are someone who loves to wear casual clothes then you should know that nothing is more important than your t-shirt. With this, you would have to wear the best t-shirt out there and it will commonly come at a high price.

And the question will be, how much money you are willing to spend on just a simple plain t-shirt? Here we would like to share with you the top 5 most expensive t-shirts in the world.

5. Run DMC Adidas ($12,990)

The hip-hop music of the 80s is still popular to this day and it was to the extent that there was a type of movement based on this genre.

The effect is what we see today and it is not surprising to some hip-hop enthusiasts willing to spend $12,990 on a piece of a t-shirt during a simple DMC concert. This t-shirt was specially designed to promote the DMC concert.

It was made in a collaboration with Adidas which made it so popular among sportswear fans all over the world. The t-shirt is white in color and has the word RUN DMC Adidas written at the front with the logo of the company at the side as well as an Adidas logo at the back.

It was also made for comfort from 100% pure cotton. The round collar and short sleeve made it very suitable for adequate airflow for extra comfort. And despite it being rarely found and might seem as common to this day, the t-shirt was quite popular in the 80s and still remains one of the most expensive t-shirts in the world.

4. Home John Lennon's ($15,700)

This t-shirt is the face of a popular restaurant known as "Home". John Lennon wore the t-shirt wherever he went and the simple design but quite elegant made it rise in fame and this also include the restaurant as well.

This t-shirt was designed as a gift for John Lennon when he named and start his own restaurant. For this purpose, it brings the name of the restaurant forward with a slight touch to it which is a fist in the middle of the O. Aside from that the color of the t-shirt was totally black.

As you might have expected, John Lennon wore the t-shirt in most of the shows he appeared in order to promote his restaurant. At one point in time, his fans fell in love with the t-shirt and some even tried to buy it.

In fact, the publicity of the t-shirt was so big that the price of the t-shirt reach a whopping $15,700. However, this huge price tag did not stop the fans from getting their hands on it, and similar to the previous t-shirt, this one is also made from pure cotton.

Unfortunately, today, John Lennon and his restaurant did not catch the eye of the media anymore but the t-shirt is still popular among the fans today.

3. Hanes/UNICEF 1996 Olympics ($42,000)

There are many things that made this t-shirt very expensive aside from its design and the quality of the material. In fact, the price of the t-shirt became so high as people knew that the money will go towards a good cause.

The Olympics 1996 t-shirt was made by UNICEF to collect funds to help poor children all over the world. Taking the opportunity of the popularity of the Olympics people worldwide, UNICEF decided to create a simple t-shirt to increase awareness of the fate of poor children in third-world countries.

At the same time, it was also to collect as much money to reduce their burden in life. Despite the t-shirt being simple, it has definitely helped spread the message and the response was huge in that UNICEF managed to collect at least $1 million each day for several days during the Olympics Sport 1996.

There was no fixed price for the shirt as it was sold in an auction. But the highest bid in the auction was quite shocking when someone offered to buy the shirt for $42,000 making it the third most expensive t-shirt in the world.

2. UNICEF Cargo Flight ($300,000)

Another t-shirt made by UNICEF will be the Cargo Flight and it is more recent than the Olympics t-shirt 1996. But anyone can get this t-shirt at the price of $18 to $100. Different than the previous t-shirt which was sold in an auction, this one, in particular, lets the buyer choose how much they are willing to pay for it.

The highest price for this t-shirt stands at a staggering $300,000. Unlike the plain-designed t-shirt of the Olympics, the UNICEF Cargo Flight features a relevant and simple airplane at the front.

It shows an airplane dropping boxes full of supplies and it represents the purpose of group missions to help those in need. The color is also green to show support for a greener world and the rest is white in color.

Worry not about the quality of the t-shirt as it was also made with 100% cotton.

1. Superlative Luxury ($400,000)

The title for the most expensive t-shirt in the world will be Superlative Luxury. This t-shirt is so expensive due to the luxury brand behind it but it is very outstanding in many aspects.

For a start, this t-shirt was made with pure green energy since the process of making it involves solar energy and does not emit any carbon dioxide. But the money made from its sale is still unclear of whether it will go to a good cause such as the UNICEF t-shirt.

Unlike other t-shirts, Superlative Luxury is very creative in incorporating interesting designs that comprised round patterns that symbolize the shining sun. In fact, the patterns include 16 diamonds that ultimately shoot up its price.

The rest of the t-shirt is in simple black color. It was sold for a whopping $400,000 making it the most expensive t-shirt ever sold.


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