6 Tips On How To Stop Smoking

Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. According to CDC, more than 480,000 deaths have been reported annually from the smoking of cigarettes (including passive smokers).

There are many ways to quit smoking that you can try and removing the temptation of smoking might not come easy.

Scared Of The Effects Of Quitting Smoking?

The use of tobacco is one of the causes of death that can be avoided. Almost half of the people who did not quit smoking will die due to smoking-related issues. It is crucial to stop since smoking has devastating effects on one's health.

If you are scared of the withdrawal effects of quitting smoking, do take note that your blood flow will improve and your blood pressure will slowly return back to normal. Your taste bud will be more robust and you can breathe fresh air much easier than before.

In the long run, quitting smoking will also make your lifespan longer as your cancer risks reduce each year being free from the smoke.

Tips To Quit Smoking That You Should Try

However, the way to do it is easier said than done. Along the journey, you might experience short withdrawal symptoms such as increased body weight, hot-headed, and anxiety. In fact, some people try it many times before they even succeeded.

There are many ways to stop smoking and some might be more effective than others. You will have to discuss with your doctor first and plan one holistic strategy to increase its success rate.

Choose The Day To Stop

You should choose a specific day for you to start this plan whether it is one particular day in the next month or even in two weeks' time.

Do not set a date that is too far from now since this will make it hard for you to remember. But be sure not to quit smoking before making a suitable plan as things will turn out much worst for you in the future.

Setting the date will help you make the necessary preparation and the help that is required. You can choose a random day for you to stop or perhaps a special occasion like your anniversary or birth date.

The Way To Quit Is To Be Prepared To Quit

As stated previously, one must ensure that they are willing to commit and go through any obstacles that there might be. Having no plan will render the whole thing meaningless as you might end up giving up in the end.

Here are the steps that you can follow:
  • Mark on your calendar as it is the most crucial day in your life.
  • Discuss with your doctor and do it now! Ask about the counseling to quit smoking and the medication that comes along with it. Combining the two will increase your success in abstinence. You are required to take the medication one or two weeks before your quitting date to give it time for effectiveness.
  • Informed others around you. This includes your family members, friends, and colleagues so that they know and will give you moral support along the journey.
  • Remove all the cigarettes that you may have whether it is in your house, car, office or other smoking areas. You will especially not keep it in your hand or pocket.
  • Replacement. Find a replacement for those cigarettes you have been smoking. this can be sweets, gums, fruits or anything that is healthy for you to nibble on.
  • Join group support. There are many groups supporting smoking cessation whether it is present physically or virtually. They are more than ready to give you all the professional and mental support whenever you feel helpless.
  • Self-reflection. If you had attempted to quit smoking before but failed, think about all the hurdles that you had to go through to get to where you are now. Finding inspiration from others who succeed in doing so might motivate you even further.

Going Through Quit Date

The days passing your quit date will be one of the most difficult parts yet as it challenges you physically and mentally especially your addiction then.

These tips might help you overcome the issues during your quit date:
  • Withhold yourself from smoking even if it is merely one cigarette.
  • Use nicotine replacement therapy if you have chosen this method.
  • Keep reminding yourself why you want to stop smoking
  • Drink plenty of water or juice
  • Stay active throughout the day by doing any physical activities or chores to distract your attention.
  • Avoid the situation or people who might spark your desire to smoke.
  • Attend counseling sessions or smoking cessation programs.
  • Practice stress management or relaxation techniques like doing yoga.
  • Make sure that your hand is constantly busy with doing something like typing, writing, squeezing a stress ball or anything else.
With a strategic plan, you will have all the help that you could have asked for in making this whole thing a huge success.

The more source that you have, the higher your chances are of quitting smoking and remaining as such.


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