6 Ways On How To Keep Rats Away

If rodents have made their way into your home, you will always smell that strong scent of rat piss around your home. To avoid this problem even further, you need to find better ways to keep rats away.

Here we would like to share with you some tips on how to effectively keep them away at all times.

Ways To Keep Rats Away

Nobody will want to live under one roof with these pesky rats and not to mention the damages that they will bring around your house. These rodents can easily multiply if left unsolved and killing a few of them won't do any good.

If you did not take drastic actions, it will lead to huge problems later. Due to that, these are some of the things that you can do at your house:

1. Do Checkups Around Your House

Before you would eradicate these rodents from your house, you would first need to do full checkups around your house to see their nests or where these rodents linger in your house.

Outside your house, you can check for any damages or visible holes at the gutter, door house, air vents or any vacant space on the walls of your house.

While you're inside, observe any potential hole that may be formed on the walls of your house where these rodents might move about.

2. Close Any Space or Visible Hole

You should also know that a rat does not need a big hole for it gets in between your home. In fact, they can simply go through holes the size of your two fingers.

Due to that, if you happen to see any small holes or spaces the size of this then you might want to cover it up properly so the little ones don't wander around in your home. You can use things like round wire brushes, cement or silicone covers to close the hole.

You will also want to regularly check those holes to make sure that it has not been damaged by rodents.

3. Clean The Areas

Rats love to live in tight and dark spaces and one of the best ways to get rid of them is by removing the tight spaces where they hide.

Clean every trash, old furniture, and anything that is deemed useless in the house so that there are no hiding spots for the rats to live in. Don't forget to clean your stores too as there will be lots of rats living there.

4. Use Natural Rats Repellant

You can use some of the natural methods in keeping the rats away. One of them includes using peppermint oil and cloves.

You can sprinkle the peppermint oil and spread some cloves around your house which you believe is the place where these rats will be.

Not just that you can also try using black pepper powder and placing them in holes found in your house. This way the rats will feel annoyed by the scent and simply move away from the place, thus leaving your home.

5. Rats Trap

This might be the most convenient way of getting rid of rodents in your house but it definitely works like a charm.

Traps for rats are easily obtained in shops but one must be wary about the children or small pets living in your house. You definitely don't want to capture anything other than rodents.

You can also use safe bait for this trap such as fruits, cheese or cereals so it does not harm anyone else if accidentally eaten.

6. Get A Pet, Cat

Some might argue that cats sometimes do not chase away the rats in your house but still, some of them do. It functions to light up your day during your worst times and this is definitely one of them.

Cats love to chase after small critters like geckos, cockroaches, and even rats. Not just that but cats are very good at smelling these rodents from far away and can identify the place where they live which makes your life much easier.

For your information, the presence of cats in your home will leave a strong scent around your house leaving the rats trembling in fear from it.

The Negative Impacts of Leaving Rats In Your Home

In the early phase, rat attacks might not pose any prominent effects on your home. However, once their population reaches a certain level and is left for too long, this can bring huge damage to your surroundings.

This is not to mention the uneasiness of the rodents squirming inside your house waiting to attack you. Some of the damages that it can bring include:
  • Your home structures like walls, air vents, and pillars.
  • Destroying your favorite furniture
  • Eaten books, papers, magazines, and even your clothes
  • Cause short circuits due to the wires being chewed
  • Cause noises at night which might haunt you to sleep
Because of that, it is advisable that rats are to be rid of as soon as possible so that you can create a safer environment to live in for your family.


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