7 Health Benefits Of Red Watermelon

Watermelon is considered one of the favorite fruits in the world and is best enjoyed when the weather is scorching hot. But do you also know the number of health benefits you can get from enjoying this fruit? There are plenty of benefits one can get from eating watermelons.

Watermelon is very suitable to be eaten together with desserts. It is not only rich in vitamins and minerals but also has high water content(92% water), thus making it easier for you to feel full after eating it.

If you love eating watermelons, these are some facts that you should know about this red juicy fruit. Let us unravel some of the health benefits of watermelons that you can gain.

1. Stay Hydrated

As you might have known, the best way to stay fresh and hydrated will be to drink an adequate amount of water. You can easily get this from watermelons due to the high water content.

In fact, the combination of water and fibers in watermelons will also make you stay full for a long period of time as well as it having low calories. This will definitely be beneficial to those trying to lose weight.

2. Relieve Muscle Pain

You might be thinking to yourself how does watermelon alleviate muscle pain. Based on research conducted in the Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry, drinking watermelon juice after an exercise can reduce the heart rate and muscle pain experienced by an athlete.

Watermelon contains an amino acid known as L-citrulline that will be changed into L-arginine in the body. L-arginine helps in improving blood flow in the body.

3. Good For The Heart

Heart attack is one of the major causes of death worldwide. Factors like having a healthy balanced diet will definitely reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. This can be done by reducing blood pressure and cholesterol level in the body.

Watermelon contains an antioxidant known as lycopene and an amino acid, citrulline which can increase the level of nitric oxide in the body. Consuming watermelon will directly help reduce blood pressure thanks to the nitric oxide which will cause the blood vessels to dilate.

In fact, research done by Florida State University, it was found that women who experienced menopause can increase their cardiovascular health by taking supplements that contain citrulline for 6 weeks.

4. It Is Not As Sweet As You Have Expected

Perhaps some of you might have avoided eating watermelon as you feel that it is too sweet for you. But if you were to look again, almost all fruits contain high sugar content. But despite it being sweet, fruits also contain high nutrients.

For instance, watermelon contains 45 calories, 11 grams of carbohydrates, and 9 grams of sugar. If you were to compare it with sweet potato which has 175 calories, 41 grams of carbohydrates, and 16 grams of sugar, watermelon is not even that sweet.

Not just that but watermelon only comprised 1/4 carbohydrates and 1/2 sugar content if it was compared to sweet potato.

5. Rich in Vitamins

Did you know that the riper the watermelon, the higher the vitamin C and nutrients found in them? In fact, all the benefits of watermelon like lycopene, beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin A, fibers, and antioxidant levels will increase as the fruit itself ages even longer.

Aside from that, you can also refer to the color of the watermelons. If the color is bright red, this means that there are more vitamins and nutrients found in them. So after this, you will know which watermelons to choose.

6. Good For The Hair and Skin

Who thought that some of the benefits you can gain from watermelons are healthier hair and skin. Two crucial vitamins responsible for this that are found in abundance in watermelons will be vitamin A and vitamin C.

Vitamin A for example is important for healthier skin as it helps makes new skin cells and repairs any damage. Without sufficient vitamin A, your skin will look dry and dull.

Vitamin C on the other hand help makes collagen which is a protein that ensures the skin and hair remain intact and healthy.

7. Helps Fight Cancer

As stated previously, watermelon is a source of lycopene which is important in preventing and treating prostate cancer.

However, scientists are still doing more research on the relation of this antioxidant and how it can help fight off cancer.


Now that you know all the health benefits of watermelons, perhaps you will consume them more frequently

Watermelons are not only tasty and juicy to be eaten on their own but you can also add a sprinkle of salt on top to have a different taste to it.

Not just watermelons but most fruits can become a part of your healthy diet. The outer layers of the watermelons can also be eaten and also has lots of benefits. 

Despite all the benefits stated above, if you experience any serious issues regarding your health, it is best to consult your physician for the next approach.


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