8 Ways On How To Get Rid Of Eye Bags

Have you ever wondered why there is eyebags right under the eye? Despite not being a health issue, eye bags and dark shadows under the eye can make us lose confidence. But worry not, as there are many ways to get rid of eyebags quickly and at your own home.

According to Dr, Shaun Desai from the Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. the main cause fr eye bags is aging. A skin that underwent the aging process is more at risk to become wrinkled and less elastic.

In fact, the muscle around the eye also becomes weaker and causes the formation of eye bags.

What Causes Dark Circle Under The Eye?

There are many reasons why we might experience a dark circle under the eye and here are some of those reasons:

1. High Salt Diet

The intake of high-salt food will cause water retention in the body. As time goes by, the area that experiences water retention will eventually swell.

2. Allergy

Inflammation that occurs due to allergies can also cause the formation of dark circles under the eye.

3. Specific Diseases

For instance, thyroid diseases can cause areas under the eye to swell.

4. Genetics

In some cases, those who have eye bags are because of similar problems faced by their parents.

5. Aging

As stated previously, as we reach older the skin will start to lose its elasticity.

All the factors stated above might be the cause of you getting the eye bags. But then again it is rare for eye bags to form due to certain diseases.

8 Ways To Get Rid Of Eye Bags

Even though dark circles under the eye are not considered a serious health issue, it has been proven very difficult to remove despite applying makeup with multiple layers.

With several simple methods, you can lose the eye bags without spending any money at all. Let us explain one by one how to get rid of eye bags.

1. Place a Cold Tea Bag On Top Of The Eye

What you simply have to do is place two cold tea bags on top of the eye for at least 3 minutes and voila, you will immediately see the effect. Every tea bags contain caffeine which is rich in antioxidants. In fact, it can also increase the blood flow in our eyes.

This method is not only cheap and easy but also very effective in reducing dark circles under the eyes. After reading this, you can simply keep the tea bags you have used and put them into a fridge.

Whenever you are bored or relaxing, you can simply place them under the eye for the quickest effect.

2. Don't Forget To Sleep!

This is probably something most of you have experienced and
 getting enough sleep is crucial in preventing the formation of dark circles under the eyes. If you are lacking sleep, the blood flow under the eyes will expand causing the eye bags to be more obvious.

Therefore, try to avoid staying up all night if you could. Make sure that you get around 7 hours of sleep each day for better health.

3. Drink Plenty Of Water

As mentioned before, a high-salt diet will cause your eye to swell. To avoid this problem from happening, drink plenty of water so that the excess salt in your body can be excreted.

4. Cover The Eyes With A Cold Object

A cold object is capable of reducing the blood flow under the eyes and ultimately makes the eye bags less obvious. You can try wrapping ice in a cloth and slowly placing it around your face.

As you might have seen from the movies before where they place cucumbers under the eyes, this will work like a charm too.

5. Take A Low Sodium Diet

The high salt content in your diet is one of the main reasons for eye bags. So, the way to remove it is by also having a low-sodium diet.

Not just that, but having food that is high in salt is not beneficial to one's health as you are at risk of getting hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

6. Don't Forget To Use Sunscreen

Being under the hot sun, especially for light-skin people can cause these dark circles to easily form. In fact, this can also lead to skin cancer if being exposed to UV light for too long.

Wearing some protection like sunscreen can protect you from UV light and reduce the darkness of the eye bags.

7. Lose The Makeup Before Going To Sleep

Before going to bed and sleeping, be sure to remove any makeup that is still on your face. Do not leave it on as these products have certain chemicals that can cause the face to be stuffy and full of acne if left overnight.

Make sure to have a routine each day where you remove your makeup entirely, especially the ones that are applied under the eyes.

8. Don't Smoke

This might not concern everyone but you should know that smokers have eye bags much worse than those who don't. The nicotine in cigarettes is also said to cause sleep disturbance making this issue more prevalent.

Without getting adequate sleep, the dark circle under the eyes will be even darker than usual.

If you have experienced dark circles that never go away, perhaps trying out some of these methods might suit you. Hope it helps!


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