8 Ways On How To Get Rid Of Rice Weevils

Keeping rice weevils out of your rice has been proven very difficult despite placing them in a sealed container. Rice that is contaminated with rice weevils have a shorter shelf life thus, it is important for you to know how to get rid of them entirely.

Rice weevils are insects that can commonly be found in rice or grain especially if you have kept them for a very long time. Even though these creatures are small, they can bite down on plastic and paper easily.

This is one of the reasons why you can still find them inside the plastic bag even though you just bought them from the supermarket. If it were to be left like that, they will make their nest inside the container and this will ultimately affect the quality of the rice.

So it is crucial to get rid of them as fast as possible before they multiply in numbers. Here we would like to share with you 8 ways how to get rid of rice weevils.

1. Kaffir Lime Leaves

Kaffir lime or its scientific name Citrus hystrix is a plant with a very strong aroma that will help you in repelling this small critter. Even though the leaves have a good scent for us, rice weevils definitely say otherwise.

For a much greater effect, you want to put the leaves on top, in the middle, and below your containers so that the rice weevils will have no route toward your precious rice.

2. Dried Garcinia

Dried Garcinia or its scientific name Garcia atroviridis is another ingredient that is not fond of by rice weevils. The way to use it is simple. You just have to place a few slices of dried garcinia into your closed container filled with rice and this is enough to keep the rice weevils out.

3. Pandan Leaves

Pandan leaves are also another herb that releases a strong aroma and are not liked by these insects. On top of that, it will also make your rice smells even more wonderful.

Bay leaves can also be used as a replacement in case pandan leaves are not available in your house. Be sure that the leaves are dry before putting them in your container.

4. Dried Chilli

Using dried chilli has been proven to not only add spice to food but also cause heat to the rice weevils. The way to do it will be to cut some dried chillis into two and place them in your rice container.

The heat coming from this chilli will of course make the rice weevils run away and be sure to replace the chillis once their scent starts to fade away.

5. Cinnamon

The herb that is commonly used in many cooking can also act as an insect repellant for rice weevils. Just place a few sticks of cinnamon into your rice and the strong aroma coming from it will cause the insects to run away yet maintain the taste of the rice.

6. Dry Under The Sun

This might be the most convenient way to get it done as it is very simple and usually available for free(if it is sunny that is).

Drying them for a few hours under the hot sun will cause the rice weevils to run away due to the unbearable heat. Be sure to spread the rice all over a flat surface as possible to maximise the surface area so that there will be no hiding spot for them.

7.  Use a Wet Cloth

You might be asking yourself how on earth is wet cloth going to help you. To be frank, wet cloth can be quite useful in this situation as you use them to cover the top of your rice container with it.

You will find that the rice weevils will move out of the rice and to the wet cloth as they like a cool and damp environment. Once you see the insects start to fill up most of the cloth, you can just remove them and keep repeating them again.

8. Put Into The Freezer

In most cases, these rice weevils can be very persistent and come back into your rice despite leaving momentarily. To make sure that all of them are dead, you can place the rice into your freezer for 3 days.

By doing this, the eggs will not hatch and all the rice weevils would have been dead. Not just that but the rice weevils will float in the water as you wash the rice before cooking them.

Proper Storage

By doing all of the above, a proper storage condition is also crucial to avoid incoming rice weevils. Certain people might also be allergic to these insects causing rashes for weeks long.

If you rarely cook rice at home, it is best for you to just buy small packs instead. This way, you won't actually keep them for too long for the rice weevils to set their nesting ground. Hope these tips definitely help you!


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