Best Ways to Store Fish In The Freezer

Fish that are kept in the freezer need to last longer so that they can be cooked whenever it is required. If these fish were not appropriately stored, they will start to go bad a lot quicker and in fact exhibit a stench odor that will affect other things kept in the freezer.

So what are the proper techniques for keeping fish inside a freezer? Here we would like to share with you some tips on how to store fish inside the freezer.

Proper Techniques of Storing Fish

To keep your fish in the freezer, it is not a matter of tips alone. But it also involves the whole process from choosing the right fish in the first place to the storing phase.

1. Choose Fresh Fish

The first step to storing the fish will be to pick the freshest one available. This is because the proper techniques of storage alone are not sufficient enough if the fish themselves are not in good condition.

It is best to pick the fish that just got caught from the waters in the morning before you buy them. Fresh fish is commonly sold in the morning as it is the time when fishermen just got back from the sea.

2. Clean The Fish Thoroughly

Knowing the proper technique to clean the fish is crucial so that it can be considered clean before keeping them in the freezer. The techniques of cleaning the fish before storing them will reduce the risk of bacteria spreading which will make the fish stench quicker.

Here are the proper ways to clean the fish:
  • Wash the fish properly with clean water
  • Remove the scales using a sharp knife. The scales need to be removed first before cutting the fish to prevent the tissue from falling apart.
  • Cut below the fish and pull out any remaining organs inside the fish including the gills.
  • You can remove the head if you do not want it.
  • Cut off all the fins from the fish
  • Lastly, wash off all the blood from the fish so that less odor is produced from it.

3. Keep The Fish In Tightly Sealed Container

A tightly sealed container is crucial when it comes to storing fish. Firstly, this will prevent the water from the fish from sticking to the freezer's ice. Secondly, it will prevent the smell of the fish from contaminating the whole freezer.

If less space was available, you can also try and use resealable bags to store them but be sure that there are no holes in the bags. They are also considered tightly sealed and will save a lot of space in the freezer.

4. Put The Fish Into A Water-Filled Container

There is one certain tip on how to keep the fish longer and one of them is to clean the fish first and place them into a container based on the quantity that will be cooked in one go.

After that, pour some water into the container until it submerged the whole fish. Keep the container inside the freezer and take it out before cooking them. Let the fish defrost first before cooking them.

5. Keep The Fish At Optimum Temperature

Another thing to keep in mind will be to store the fish at a low temperature. The temperature inside a freezer should be less than 4
° C(24.8° F) to prevent the growth of bacteria on the fish.

This not only prevents microorganisms from thriving but also prevents food poisoning for those who eat the spoilt fish.

6. Place The Fish At The Correct Area Inside The Freezer

Avoid placing the fish close to the doors of the freezer. This is because the area close to the door has a less optimum temperature compared to the deeper end of the freezer.

Not just that but placing them too close to the door will cause water from the fish to drip on your freezer's door. Because of that, store the fish at the deeper end of the freezer if possible and away from the door so that the fish will freeze quicker and at a stable temperature.

The Importance Of Storing Fish

We believe that everyone should know how to store their fish at home so that they will last longer. There might be cases where your storing technique is a bit off compared to the ones we have shared at the top.

It is crucial to understand the tips that we have just shared with you to make the fish last longer and most importantly, to avoid getting food poisoning from the fish.


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