Health Benefits of Fish Oil That You Can Get

You might have heard of the potential benefits of fish oil as part of your diet. But what can be categorized as good fish oil considering the number of fish available in the waters.

Here we would like to share with you in detail the benefits you can obtain from consuming fish oil on a regular basis.

What is Fish Oil?

So the first question to ask is what is fish oil? Fish oil is fats that have been extracted from the fish tissues. Commonly the fish that we are talking about will be tuna or mackerel. In some cases, fish oil can also be made from fish liver like cod fish liver oil.

The World Health Organization(WHO) has recommended the intake of fish oil as part of our weekly diet. This is because the Omega-3 fatty acids contained in these fish will give many benefits to the person's health.

It is capable of protecting and preventing several diseases. However, if you are unable to take 1-2 servings of fish each week, the intake of additional supplements of fish oil in the form of capsules can also help you get the Omega-3 that you need.

Generally speaking, 30% of fish oil is comprised of Omega-3 fatty acids while the remaining is composed of other types of fats. Some of it also contained crucial vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin D.

Not just that but the Omega-3 found in fish oil is said to give better health benefits compared to the Omega-3 found in plant sources.

The source of the main Omega-3 in fish oil will be the eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid(DHA) whereas, for plant sources, it will be alpha-linolenic(ALA).

Fish, Supplements or Plants?

Eating fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients as part of our diet is believed to give much better health benefits overall to our hearts especially compared to taking supplements.

The choice of food other than fish that are also rich in omega-3 includes flaxseed, walnut, canola oil, soya beans, and soya oil.

However, similar to supplements, the proven health benefits, and a healthier heart are not as great compared to consuming fish. For an adult, it is recommended to take 2 servings of fish rich in omega-3 weekly.

The serving size is 3.5 ounces (99 grams). Pregnant women or someone planning to be pregnant as well as children should limit the amount of fish eaten as they are more prone to get the toxin effects from the fish.

Several Health Benefits

1. Heart and Blood

The effectiveness of taking fish oil as part of the diet has been tested for various health conditions. Commonly, it is used relative to the heart and blood system.

Some individuals use it for blood pressure reduction and reducing triglycerides and cholesterol levels. It is always used to prevent heart diseases and strokes and other types of heart conditions.

2. Kidney

Fish oil can also be used for problems related to the kidney such as kidney failure and complications like cirrhosis, Berger disease, a heart transplant or the use of cyclosporine drugs.

3. Brain

Fish might have got its reputation as food for the brain since some individual take fish oil to overcome depression, bipolar disorder, psychosis, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD), Alzheimer's. migraines, epilepsy, schizophrenia, and other mental disorders.

Is Fish Oil Really Good For The Heart

If you are worried about your heart condition, then eating one to two servings of fish a week can help reduce the risk of death from heart attacks.

For many years now, the American Heart Association has suggested that each individual eat fish that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids at least twice a week.

The Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish can reduce triglycerides, reduce blood pressure, reduce the formation of blood clots, reduce the risk of stroke and heart failure as well as reduce irregular heart rhythm.

What You Should Know Before Giving Your Children Omega-3 Supplements?

If you decided to give your children omega-3 supplements in their diet, here are  some of the things that you should take note of:
  1. Find supplements that are made from fish tissues compared to the liver. Fish liver oil can contain toxins or vitamin A(fat-soluble) that are high exceeding normal which is not suitable for children and can cause difficulty in removing them from the body compared to water-soluble vitamins. Supplements containing microalga oil are more suitable for vegetarians.
  2. Check the instruction of the dose on the label and make sure not to exceed the recommended dose. Taking too much fish oil can cause stomach discomfort or diarrhea.
  3. Fluid supplements are the best to be given to children as supplements in the form of capsules may cause the child to choke over them. Do not give capsules to children below 3 years old.
  4. Give the supplement with food and start at the lowest dose possible. You can add the dose gradually until it reaches the recommended dose. If it is not palatable for them, you can try mixing it with milk or juice.

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