How To Measure Your Ideal Body Weight?

There are some cases where someone looks rather thin but in reality that is their true ideal body weight. Lets us see how to calculate BMI and to further know the suitable value for each of you.

Ideal Body Weight

Some of you might be wondering, is it really that important to know our BMI value?

The fact is that Body Mass Index(BMI) will allow an individual to determine whether their current body weight is balanced or not.

If your BMI value is not suitable with your height and weight ratio, this means that you either have excess or less weight on you. And of course, this will pose risks to you if you have chronic diseases. Why?

If your BMI value is too high, you are at risk to get diseases like hypertension, diabetes or heart problems. Whereas if the value is too low, you might be faced with other health conditions such as low immunity, chronic fatigue ness or even anemia.

This proves that knowing how to calculate your BMI might be able to help you know your ideal body weight and ultimately gives you an insight into what your next plan should be to reduce the risks stated above.

How To Calculate BMI?

To start it off, you will first need to know your body weight in kilograms (kg)/(lb) and your height in meters (m)/(in).

The way to calculate it is as follows:

Body weight: 57 kg

Height: 158 cm (1.58m)

Calculation 57 / (1.58 x 1.58) = 22.8

This means your BMI will be 22.8. You can simply use a calculator to input all the values. Now that you have known your BMI, what is the meaning of this value? Is it suitable based on your height and weight?

BMI Categories

The value of BMI is categorized into a few different categories and it will tell whether your body weight is considered ideal or not.

BMI <18.5

If you fall under this category, it means that you are lacking in body weight. It may pose a risk to your health if it was to be left like this for a long time.

It is best for you to go and seek professional help from a doctor to help you get back to your ideal body weight. You never know if there were also any problems with you that prevents you from gaining weight as well.

BMI 18.5 - 22.9

Your body weight is normal and suitable for you. However, this does not mean that you can simply relax and do nothing.

Instead, you should ensure that your current BMI is maintained at this level by doing any physical activities and taking care of your diet.

BMI 23 - 26.9

This is an early warning for you! You are considered overweight and have a risk of getting diabetes type 2 and other chronic diseases.

You should get yourself checked with a doctor or any qualified nutritionist to help you get back to your ideal weight. It is also important to take note that a lifestyle change might be necessary.

BMI >27

This means obesity for you! With this kind of body weight, you have a higher risk of truly getting chronic diseases like diabetes type 2  as well as cardiovascular diseases.

What's more worrying is that your condition might also reduce your overall quality of life. This is definitely something that you don't want.

You need to change your lifestyle now and a visit to the clinic might be able to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle.

These BMI categories however are only suitable for individuals ranging from the age of 18-64 years old. The way to categorize BMI for pregnant women will be slightly different.

Ways To Categorize BMI Of Pregnant Women

The increase in body weight for pregnant women makes this categorization a bit different than usual.

BMI <18.5

Women with an average weight in this category will have to increase their body weight by 12.5 to 18kg during their pregnancy.

BMI 18.5 - 24.9

For this category, it is advised to add about 11.5 - 16 kg in body weight.

BMI 25 - 29.9

Women who have excessive weight in this category will only need to add around 7 - 11.5 kg of body weight only.

BMI >30

For individuals in this category, make sure that you do not add more than 5 -9 kg in body weight or you will be at risk of getting chronic diseases during pregnancy.

Ensuring A Good Quality of Life

When you know the value of your BMI, especially if you are in the overweight or obese category, it is vital for you to change your lifestyle and way of diet to reduce the risks associated with your health.

This will of course help you in maintaining a balanced lifestyle and ensure a good quality of life in the long run.


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