How To Store Potatoes For The Long Term

Potatoes are considered one of the most consumed food in the world and that's not all, it is also healthy and nutritious if cooked in a proper way. Potatoes can also last longer for more than 2 months if you know how to store them properly.

That's why it's crucial to learn this as you won't be wasting any more potatoes at home.

Potatoes, A Healthy Food That People Overlook

The truth is, potatoes are a very healthy food that everyone should take.

But what makes it unhealthy is the use of excessive salt and oil as well as toppings such as cheese, meat, and others that increase its overall calories. Aside from their high starch content, potatoes are also rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibers.

Potatoes are rich in vitamin C and long ago, it has been used to save many lives due to scurvy which is a condition lacking vitamin C. One medium-sized russet potato including the skin contains 129 calories, 4.6 grams of protein, no fat, 37 grams of carbohydrates, and 4 grams of fiber.

On top of that, potatoes also contain 14.4 mg of vitamin C. The daily requirement of vitamin C for an adult is 75-90 mg. This means that 1/5 of the daily vitamin C needs can be fulfilled from one piece of potato.

Aside from that, potato also has potassium which is an electrolyte that makes the heart, muscle, and nervous system function properly. The potato's skin also has good fibers for the human digestive system.

Different types of potatoes will have different nutritional values. Generally speaking, the darker the color of the potato, the higher the antioxidants.

Change Color to Green, Can We Still Eat It?

If the potatoes you have at home have changed to green, you will need to entirely get rid of them. Potatoes that are exposed to sunlight will change to green due to the chlorophyll pigment.

Chlorophyll does not cause harm to our health but it will increase a type of toxin in potatoes known as glycoalkaloid. Potatoes are rich in two types of glycoalkaloid mainly solanine and chaconine. Both these compounds are found in various other food such as eggplant and tomato.

In small amounts, glycoalkaloid can bring benefits to one's health. It has the ability to reduce the body's cholesterol and control blood sugar levels. But if it was to be taken excessively, it gives a toxic effect on the body.

Because of that, it is crucial to know the best way to store potatoes and it should not be taken lightly. Potatoes that have started to grow sprout on it will contain high glycoalkaloids.

In small doses, the intake of glycoalkaloid can cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach discomfort. Because of this, it is best for you to avoid eating green potatoes and simply throw them away.

Here we would like to share with you the best way to store your potatoes for the long term.

Ways to Store Potatoes So It Stays Fresh

Generally, potatoes will remain fresh for more than 2 months if it was stored properly. Here are some tips on how to make it last longer:
  1. Make sure that the potatoes are dry before storing them. Wipe any water on it and ensure that the place of storage is also dry.
  2. Keep the potatoes in a dark, cold, and dry place to prevent them from sprouting. Aside from that, make sure that the airflow is also good. You can either keep them in a box or something that suits the darkness.
  3. Avoid keeping them under the stove. The hot and humid conditions will encourage the growth of sprouts.
  4. Don't refrigerate the potatoes. A very cool environment will cause the starch to be converted to sugar. Cold potatoes will also turn color becoming chocolate after cooking. The sugar content will also be higher than potatoes that are not refrigerated.
  5. If there are any parts of the potatoes that are green, cut them off and remove them. Other parts that are still yellow will be safe for consumption.
  6. Do not store potatoes together with apples, onions or bananas. The gases produced from this food can expedite the sprouting process of the potatoes.
  7. If there are any rotten potatoes, remove them immediately to prevent them from spoiling the other potatoes.
  8. If you have no dark place to store the potatoes, there is a simple and different approach to storing them. You will only need to place them in a basket and cover them with a dark-colored cloth.
Did you also know that potato skin has compact nutrition? If you ever peel the skin, don't just throw them away. Instead, fry them with a bit of salt to be turned into a snack.


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