11 Tips On How To Get Out Of A Choke With Fish Bones

Getting choked on fish bones can be expected as you try to enjoy its delicacy. However, this can cause discomfort and pain in the throat as you try to get it out.

No worries, as here we would help you to overcome this problem as we will share some times on how to get out of this pesky situation.

What Does It Feel To Choke On Fish Bones?

If there are any fish bones stuck in your throat, it will of course cause suffocation and excruciating pain. You might also experience some of these symptoms:
  • Sharp pain sticking in your throat
  • Swollen throat
  • Cough
  • Hard to swallow or causes pain when swallowing
  • Cough up blood

Ways to Get It Out

Getting something out when you are choking is no easy task and time is of the essence as in some cases choking can be deadly.

Before you get yourself checked by the doctor, you might want to try some of these methods at home to get them out.

1. Marshmallow

Sounds strange as something fluffy is capable of removing what's inside your throat but marshmallows might actually be what you just need.

You can chew on the marshmallow to make it soft first then you want to swallow it whole. The sticky and sugary texture of the marshmallow will make the fishbone stick to them and ultimately down into your belly.

2. Rice

This tip is probably the most common one on this list as some people have done this many times to get out of this situation.

What needs to be done is basically clump the rice together into one medium-sized ball based on your mouth size. Then you will slowly swallow the clumped rice so that it will also collide with the fish bones and take them down together.

3. Olive Oil

Olive oil act as a natural lubricant for your throat. If you are ever choking on fish bones, taking one to two tablespoons of olive oil is sufficient enough.

This oil has to cover the whole throat evenly and the fishbone as well. This will make it easier for you to swallow the fish or even cough it out.

4. Banana

Similar to marshmallows, bananas can also grip the bones and pull them down to your belly.

You will want to cut a piece of the banana and leave it in your mouth for at least 1 minute. This will allow it to be absorbed by your saliva and then swallow it all in one gulp.

5. Soda

Drinking carbonated drinks can also be a way to remove the fish bones that are stuck in your throat.

This is because when the soda enters your stomach, this will cause gas release. The gases will help to break down the fish bones and build the pressure up so that it can be removed.

6. Bread and Water

Bread that is dipped in water is one of the easiest ways you can do it at home considering it is readily available.

Just pinch a piece of bread and dip it in water. Leave it for 1 minute and swallow the whole thing. This will put some pressure on the bones and push them downwards.

7. Bread With Some Peanut Butter

If you don't like water with bread, well you can try peanut butter with bread as this works like a charm too. It functions to entrap the fishbones and push them down into the stomach.

You want to do the same thing as stated previously and make sure to drink a glass of water afterward to ease the swallowing.

8. Strongly Cough

This might be the most obvious one here as coughing is the first defense mechanism of the body to protect us from any foreign material in our throat and breathing tract. This will create a strong air that will blow out any foreign object such as the fishbones.

So if you are ever in a such dire situation, you can simply use what your body has to eliminate the fishbone from your throat.

9. Milkshake/Smoothie

Concentrated drinks like milkshakes or smoothies will help push stuck bones in the throat especially if you take one big gulp.

This drink has an extra benefit in the sense that the coldness of the drink will relieve the pain or discomfort that you may have experienced from the fishbones.

10. Gargle With Lukewarm Salt Water.

This tip is very useful if the fishbone is stuck in your upper throat area. The gargling motion will help relax the muscle of the esophagus so that the fishbone will go out on its own.

Salt water will also help ease the pain or inflammation that has occurred. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt with 1 glass of warm water. Gargle it for at least 30 seconds before spitting it out. Repeat the step until you feel relieved.

11. Wait Until It Goes Down On Its Own

In most cases, the discomfort of choking might have been caused by something other than a fishbone. This is because the fishbone that might have gotten stuck previously is still being felt by you.

This pain has not subsided despite the removal of the fishbone from your throat. So, you can wait a few more hours to see whether the fishbone is still stuck or perhaps it is an after-effect due to damaged tissues.

Things to Avoid

It is important for you to avoid digging your throat with any kitchen tools or even your fingers in an attempt to remove the fishbones.

Small injuries to the throat or esophageal wall can cause even more discomfort and even risk for an infection.

Doctor's Checkup If Choked With Fishbones

Generally speaking, fishbone that is stuck in your throat can be solved at home by using the technique stated above. But you need to seek medical treatment if those tips did not work on you or you are experiencing:
  • Intense pain
  • Non-stop bleeding
  • Difficulty to breathe
  • Swelling
  • Excessive saliva
  • Difficulty in eating or drinking
  • Swollen neck
Basically, a doctor can help you to remove the fishbone by using a special pincet tool. But in rare cases, a small surgery might be necessary.


It cannot be denied that taking fish as part of your diet poses a risk of choking on the fishbone. The good news is that there are many ways that can be done to remove those bones properly.

However, if you don't see any way in removing them and the symptoms are just getting worst, it is advised to go seek professional help from the doctor.


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