Top 5 Biggest Country In Africa

Africa is the second biggest continent in the world and home to many interesting tourists all over the world. From the golden Sahara desert to the greenish forest of Congo, Africa has many natural wonders to offer with various different cultures.

With many unique landscapes on its borders, it is not surprising to see many African countries have many things to show when it comes to their size and cultural influence. Here we would like to share with you the top 5 biggest countries in this continent as well as the uniqueness that they have for each of them.

5. Chad (1,283,999 square km)

Sitting in 5th place on this list will be Chad and this country might be unknown to some people compared to other countries on this list. The Republic of Chad got its name from the Chad lake which provides water to millions of people in neighboring countries.

The name "Chad" comes from the local word that translates to big water. Despite there being more than 120 languages and dialects that are used in Chad, Arabic, and French will be their official language.

Chad has different kinds of landscapes and can be divided into three separate zones. Sahelian Belt is situated in the southern part of the country and is known for its vast area of tropical greenery.

At the top will be the Great Sahara Desert and in the south will be the Savanna Sudan. Between these three different habitats, there are many kinds of flora and fauna that can be found in this area.

4. Libya (1,759,539 square km)

North of Chad and Niger as well as west of Egypt will be where Libya is located. It is a country comprised of 90% of the magnificent Sahara Desert. Libya's past is full of conflicts including the struggle to fight against the influence of Italy before the country got its independence in 1951.

The national chaos is still ongoing to this day with tourists being constantly advised to avoid Libya when traveling in Africa. The beach line of Libya stretching across 1,099 miles along the Mediterranean ocean is the longest one in Northern Africa.

Tripoli, the capital city and main trading port of Libya is the hub for Libya's oil trade and illegal human trafficking. The population of Libya is estimated to be around 6.375 million people as of writing.

3. Sudan (1,861,481 square km)

Sudan which borders Egypt and the Red Sea is home to the White and Blue Rivers Nile where its capital city is situated between the two rivers. This country has an area of 1,861,481 square km and is home to 40.53 million people The capital city of Sudan will be Khartoum.

This country has got a reputation for owning the biggest pyramid in Africa. The Sudan Pyramid with a quantity of more than 200, is the place where the royal family of the Kush government ruled ancient Nubia.

Meroe Pyramid has become a hotspot for tourists in Sudan. The pyramid has tight spaces and is much taller compared to the Giza pyramid in Egypt. This ancient structure has been listed in 2011 as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

2. Republic of Congo (2,345,408 square km)

Congo is the second biggest country in Africa with an area of 2,345,408 square km. The country is also known by the name the Democratic Republic of Congo and it is a country situated in the southernmost part of Central Africa.

Congo has various kinds of landscapes and species of endemic wildlife such as Bonobo and Okapi. The end of the Congo River connects with the Atlantic Ocean and its water has made the rainforest around it fertile.

The Congo Rainforest is home to several tribes often known as the Pygmy tribe in Africa. The tribal people of Mbuti in the Ituri forest are known for hunting honey in the forest and trading them with the neighboring communities.

1. Algeria (2,381,737 square km)

Algeria is the biggest country in Africa with its official name the Democratic Republic of Algeria. This country is mostly comprised of the Sahara Desert which is unoccupied.

The majority of Algerians live in 12% of the total land mass along the Mediterranean beach. Fossil fuel will be the main export of the country with petroleum and gas constituting 98% of the country's export.

Algeria is one of the main exporters of fuel for Europe. The capital city of Algeria is Algiers which is home to 41.32 million people. This huge country existed around 1515. Interestingly enough the athletes of this country have competed in the Olympics Sport since 1964 and have won 5 gold medals.


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