Top 6 Dangers of Lipstick To A Person's Health

Lipstick is one of the most crucial makeup to have in every women's makeup set. Most of them are willing to spend thousands of dollars just to get their favorite lipstick from shops like Sephora, SASA, and many other shops in existence out there.

If there decided not to buy them, at the very least it will be to try the testers there. For them, it is one of the reasons to go out with confidence in front of crowds. In this modern era, fashion has become one of the main attractions with lipsticks being available in various colors and different functionalities.

With many choices to choose from, it is important for them to remain beautiful and look more convincing. But do they know about the potential hazard it may bring to their health? For those who don't know, we are here to share with you some of the dangers of lipstick to a person's health.

Why Can Lipsticks Be Dangerous?

1. It contains Lead

Lead is a chemical substance that has been used long ago. It is incorporated in lipstick to make sure that the lips will withhold oxidation, become waterproof, and be long-lasting which is crucial for its transportation to the whole world.

But the thing is lead has been classified as heavy metal that does not bring any benefit to one's health but is rather toxic to the human body. If a person was to inhale or touch something that has lead in them, it will be absorbed into the body and remain inside for a very long time.

By wearing lipstick that has lead, there will be instances where you swallow some of it. This is very dangerous to the women that wear it as lead can cause abortion, brain damage, and many more.

Bear in mind that not all lipsticks are lead-free.

2. Darken The Lips

Despite the function of lipstick to make your lips bright and colorful, it can also cause the opposite by making them look darker if you constantly wear it. This will make your overall look paler than usual.

This happens because of the color pigments from the lipsticks that have been absorbed into your lips due to constant use without washing off the lipstick first.

3. Cause Rashes or Allergies

It can also cause allergies in some people due to the excipients present in the lipsticks causing a red swelling on your lips.

Going outside with this lip is definitely not what you want not to mention the non-stop itchiness that you might experience causing further injuries on your lips. If you experience these symptoms then stop using the lipstick immediately and use honey or moisturizer to treat it.

4. Dangers Of Mercury

Mercury is a very dangerous compound found in many cosmetics out there and similar to lead, it is also a heavy metal. In most cases, mercury can be found in counterfeit products that you can easily obtain online.

It poses a threat to one's health and can cause cancer if taken for a long time. Avoid buying any cheap or counterfeit products for the sake of looking beautiful as you are putting your life at risk in the future.

5. Disrupting Your Reproduction

Aside from mercury and lead, you can also find another dangerous substance in lipstick known as retinyl palmitate. This substance can also cause cancer as well as disrupt the reproductive system of women.

Therefore, pregnant women are prohibited from using this as it can cause abortion. For those preggy mothers out there, you can try finding lipsticks that do not contain such ingredients or better yet abstain from using lipstick to prevent any harm to the baby.

6. Causing Bleeding Lips

With all the dangerous substances found in lipstick, you are advised to always be vigilant when purchasing any cosmetic products that might be fake or even cause harm to your health.

You definitely don't want to end up looking like this while going outside and reading the content first without being influenced by their marketing campaigns. You can read many articles online to see examples of dangerous substances that may be present in cosmetic products aside from lipstick.

Love yourself and sometimes pain is not always beautiful.


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