5 Reasons Why Car Insurance Is Important?

Every time there is an emergency or damage on the roadway, tow trucks will start to appear to offer their services.

Most people have fallen to such tactics and are imposed with ridiculous fees or perhaps their cars being towed to random workshops that might be associated with the tower in the first place. By the time, you decided to get to your car, it has already been repaired.

It's as if these syndicates have seen it coming. These issues are often easier to handle if we knew each and every benefit that insurance companies have to offer in their policies or car protection.

Here we would like to share with you 5 benefits of owning car insurance that some of you might be unaware of.

1. Tow Trucks Under Company Panels

If you are ever confronted with a car accident or car breakdown on the roadway, the driver can actually ask for help from one of the tow truck registers under the insurance panel.

Most of the schemes being offered can vary depending on the companies and their policies. Some company offers cashback if your car has to be towed by a third party. While some companies can offer free towing 24 hours a day depending on the situation.

In the case of accidents, the tow can be done so that the vehicle and the driver can go straight to the police station to lodge a report before going to the panel workshops that have been set.

In cases where the damages have caused the car to not be able to move, the tow can also be done to take the vehicle to the workshop; whether it is a workshop under the panel or the workshop of your choice, as long as the distance between the location of the incident and the workshop does not exceed the distance that has been set.

2. Car Battery Died, Out Of Fuel, and Flat Tires

In today's world, incidents, where your car battery died due to people forgetting to turn off the front light, have reduced due to the existence of a system that reminds us if the front light is still on.

But then not all cars are equipped with such a system and there are also cases where people ignore the alarm and still left it on. This can cause a huge problem for you if the car cannot start when you are nowhere near a workshop.

Worry not as there are solutions to this problem. The first thing you can try is by jumpstarting your car with someone else or replacing the battery. Life can be much easier if your insurance company also covers this by offering replacement help if you ever face such a situation.

The appointed mechanic can come to your location and do all the work for you if you have not got the required equipment to do so. However, most companies offer limited time for this kind of service in which some of them offering only 2 hours of free service. If it's more than that, there will be surcharges.

Aside from the electrical issues, flat tires, tire replacement, and also out of fuel service are available. For drivers who experience depleted fuel, the service of fuel delivery is free. Only the cost of the fuel itself has to be paid.

3. Help Regarding Loss of Keys

We believe most of you have faced such a situation of losing your keys or even leaving them in your car and the car became locked.

If you ever face such an incident, be sure to contact your car protection company first before doing anything. Many car insurance companies offer key protection services whether through basic benefits or even additional benefits.

Generally speaking, protection related to your car keys has 2 main benefits. The first one will be the assistance to help open your car's door if you have no access to the car keys or you have left it in your car.

Both of them are under the repayment scheme if you ever require a replacement of your car key. But the price will definitely not be cheap.

4. Life Protection In Accidents

If in the past when insurance companies only cover the value of the car bought, now many of them have policies that offer self-protection plans included in the package.

If in any event where the policyholder or the driver in the protected car loses their life, compensation can be requested by the family members.

Despite the value being not as high as expected, we are confident that the money received can provide some help to the family members for their loss. You might want to check your policy again to see how much money will be covered.

5. Compensation Due To Absence Of Car

With all the times your car is absent, this will definitely cause a burden for you to go to other places especially when it comes to work or school.

There exist a policy known as compensation for assessed repair time or its short form CART that is responsible for providing compensation guidelines to the drivers in an event where the car is currently being repaired in the workshop.

This protection is commonly offered as an optional benefit that allows the drivers to be paid for all the costs incurred to travel based on the number of days that have been set according to aggregates. It can be either 7,14 or 21 days.

This benefit can be enjoyed in numerous ways. If you have to take a taxi to go to your workplace each day, the cost of the taxi can be claimed.

In a different scenario where you feel like renting a car instead to move about, you can also make the claim on top of the rented car that you have paid.

Some companies offer their customers car replacements to be used while the owner's car is still not ready to be used. If this comes to the choice, the CART protection will not be eligible for you.


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