12 Health Benefits Of White Radish

When we talk about radishes, some of you might be thinking about the red-colored radish. But the reality is that the white version of the radish is also not half bad.

Here we would like to share with you some of the benefits that you can gain from white radish.

What Is White Radish?

White radish belongs to the cabbage family with the scientific name of Raphanus Sativus var. Longipinnatus. This radish has been used for centuries long for the treatment of Ayurveda. It can also be beneficial for various other diseases.

In the medical field of Chinese, they used this radish due to its pungent smell. In the aspect of food, it can either be eaten raw or even made into pickles.

Health Benefits Of White Radish

Here are some of the benefits that you could gain from taking this vegetable:

1. Helps Treat Jaundice

Radish is generally considered a natural ingredient for the treatment of jaundice.

Radish juice has a strong detoxification effect in removing toxins and cleaning the blood which is good for people with jaundice. Aside from that, it can also help remove excess bilirubin and control its removal from the body.

It also functions to prevent the breakdown of red blood cells in individuals with jaundice by increasing the supply of oxygen.

2. Prevent Bladder Infection

Radish has diuretic properties which will help the kidney to stimulate the removal of urine from the body. Radish juice is effective in reducing inflammation and the burning sensation that one experiences while urinating.

Its function in stimulating the excretion of urine will help prevent infection of the bladder system or kidney.

3. Good For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Vitamin C acts by fighting against free radicals in the body and preventing damage to the body. Vitamin C also helps in the production of collagen which is the substance that forms our bodies.

Taking white radish will avoid or slow down certain conditions like arthritis.

4. Prevent Cancer

Taking radish as part of your diet will help fight off many types of cancer such as colon, stomach, intestine, mouth, and kidney cancers. This is due to the presence of vitamin C, folic acid, and anthocyanin which are all potent antioxidants.

On top of that, radish also contains isothiocyanate that changes the genetic cell pathway causing apoptosis or cell death. This ultimately prevents cancer cells from thriving.

5. Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases

Anthocyanin which is found in radish also has anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent cardiovascular diseases. It is also helpful in peripheral arterial diseases, heart failure, and also kidney diseases.

Anthocyanin help in metabolite dispersion and preventing heart problems by reducing oxidative stress as well as inflammation

6. Weight Reduction

For those of you who find it hard to lose weight then don't forget to add some radish in your meal since it is low in digestible carbohydrates, high in roughage as well as plenty of water.

The number of fibers contained in radish will make you feel full quicker and prevent you from taking too much food. The effect will be weight loss in the long term.

7. Treating Breathing Problems

White radish has anti-congestive properties and helps prevent blockage in the nose, throat, airways, and lungs. The blockage is commonly caused by flu, infection, allergies, and many more.

Radish helps to protect the breathing system from infection due to its richness in vitamins and can act as an anti-microbial.

8. Suitable For Hypertension & Diabetics

Radish contains potassium which is a vasodilator that helps relieve the blood vessels and improve blood flow. This will reduce the pressure in the blood and makes the blood flow smoother.

The good news for diabetics is that radish does not give much impact on the blood sugar level as it has a low glycemic index. Radish also controls the absorption of sugar in the blood making it suitable for individuals with diabetes.

9. Beautify The Skin

Eating radish will be good for your skin as it contains vitamins C and B, zinc and phosphorus. The high water content also helps in maintaining the moisture of the skin.

Aside from that, radishes also prevent the skin from drying, rashing, and cracking.

10. Antifungal Properties

Thanks to the antifungal properties of radishes, this vegetable will reduce fungal infection in the mouth, pubic areas, and more.

11. Enhance The Immune System

The presence of vitamin C in radishes makes it a very good choice of diet to improve our immune system.

Vitamin C controls the body's metabolism and helps the formation of collagen. Collagen strengthens the walls of the blood vessels and prevents cardiovascular diseases.

12. Good For The Bones

Radish is rich in calcium which is a crucial substance for the bones' health. It is beneficial as part of your diet, especially for those at risk of osteoporosis or even aging.

Final Words

It is recommended to add radish to your daily diet for your overall health. It is best to discuss with your doctor or dietitian to ensure the suitability of your diet to prevent anything harmful to your health.


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