4 Interesting Facts About The Kaaba

Kaabah is a unique cubic structure situated in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It has been the direction of prayer for Muslims all around the world to this day. The place is full of people from all over the world that came to this holy city to pray especially during the hajj season.

It has been a special place that can only be visited by Muslims worldwide yet you must be wondering what made this place so unique. Here we would like to share with you some interesting facts about the Kaaba.

1. Why The Kaaba Is Black In Color?

The cloth wrapping around the Kaaba is known as kiswah and the truth is it was not originally black as we see today. Kiswah comes in different colors like red, white, and green. It was all until the Abbasid era that the ruler decided to maintain the kiswah in one color which is black.

This tradition has remained as such to this day and as much as 120kg of pure gold thread, 120kg of silver thread, and 670kg of silk were used to make the black kiswah that you are seeing now.

2. Kaabah Collapsed and Had Been Rebuilt Multiple Times

Many experts believed that the Kaaba was rebuilt around 5 - 12 times. The first time was built during the times of Adam(as) as the first center for mankind to perform their true obligation to Allah(swt). Ibrahim and his son Ismail rebuilt the Kaaba during their times.

The Kaaba was also rebuilt during the Prophet Muhammad's(pbuh) times before he was even appointed as the rasul yet. The last time the Kaaba was renovated was in 1996 using the technology at the time that made it still stand to this day.

3. The Key To Kaaba Is Only Held By One Ancestor

Bani Shaibah was the chosen family by Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) as the key keeper to Kaaba and it was the responsibility still being held by the family. At first, our beloved Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) was the first keeper of the key after it was passed on to Osman bin Talha from Bani Shaibah to replace him.

It has been over 15 centuries since the Bani Shaibah has been keeping the key to Kaaba safe and is now being kept by Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Shaibi.

4. Hajar Aswad - The Rock From Heaven

When Prophet Ibrahim(pbuh) was rebuilding the Kaaba, he asked his son, Ismail(as) to find a good rock to place as a marker on the Kaaba. Hajar Aswad is a rock that was descended from heaven during Adam's(as) times but was lost due to the heavy flood during the Prophet Nuh(as) times.

The rock was then found by Angel Jibrail and it was originally white in color but changed to black as people touch it due to the wrongdoings of mankind from the Adam(as) times.

These are some of the interesting facts that you might want to know about the Kaaba and it is considered a holy place visited by millions of Muslims each year. Perhaps one day you can pay a visit to the Kaaba if you are a Muslim that is.


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