5 Interesting Facts About Sleep

Sleep is a natural resting situation experienced by our bodies which is important for growth and repair. Sleep occurs in all mammals and birds as well as other reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

There are some animals having a very long sleeping time as it is crucial for their survival. Here we would like to share with you some interesting facts about sleep.

1. 12% of Human Dream In Black and White Only

According to a study from the National Institute of Health, before colored television was introduced, as much as 15% of people dreamed in white and black only.

The research involved two groups of different ages and showed that older humans who did not have the experience of watching colored television will have a dream in grayscale or black and white.

In contrast, youngsters will be more prone to get colored dreams instead.

2. Cats Sleep Around 2/3 Of Their Lifetime

This is not something new or surprising, especially for cat lovers out there. Cats spend most of their days sleeping and only wake up at specific times of the day to either play, eat or spend time with their owners.

In fact, cats that are just born will sleep for 90% of their days which is equivalent to 22 hours.

3. Human Record For Longest Sleeping Time

A student from California named Randy Gardner has not slept for 11 days and 24 minutes(264.4 hours) and stayed up all the way in 1964.

But just because it is possible, that does mean it is something that you should do since there are many problems that will arise when not getting an adequate amount of sleep.

If you have not slept for this long, you will easily get diseases due to your weak immune system.

4. Hard To Wake Up? Know About Dysania!

Dysania or Clynomania is a syndrome where one experiences extreme difficulty rising from bed. One of the ways to prevent this syndrome will be to use different alarm sound each day.

Aside from that, one should also practice going to bed earlier so that one will feel fresh and awake in the morning.

5. Falling From A High Building While Asleep

I feel like most of us have experienced this annoying fall when we sleep and this phenomenon is known as a hypnic jerk. It mostly happens during your young age and gets diminished as you age older.

Despite this condition being normal for most people, it can definitely turn into a nightmare for some out there especially if it happens repeatedly.


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