6 Best Vitamins For Skin

Many believed that the key to healthy and beautiful skin will be hydration and this is absolutely true. But bear in mind that there are various vitamins that are still needed for stronger skin inside out.

The question comes to mind what vitamins are crucial for the maintenance of the skin? First, we must understand each role of vitamins and how it brings benefits to our health.

Why Are Vitamins Important For The Skin?

Skincare is considered one of the most important aspects of our life and it has become a necessity for us especially when it is the biggest organ of our bodies.

Due to that, many have practiced different routines of skincare starting with facial wash, moisturizers, toner, serums, essence, sunblocks, and finally makeup. Unfortunately, most individuals only see things from the outside and neglect the importance of the inside.

This is where most people tend to forget the intake of healthy food and supplements. Vitamins play an important role in our skin and it is best for an individual to get the right type of food, drinks, and supplements so that the biggest organ of our body remains fresh and healthy.

But how does one determine what kind of vitamins are good for their skin? It will be further explained below.

Different Types Of Vitamins

As some of you might have known, there are various types of vitamins that exist in food, drinks, and supplements in which all of the vitamins have its own importance. Among all of the vitamins that exist out there, there will be some that are good for the skin.

Vitamin B

Despite being the less popular vitamin, it is categorized into different types of complex vitamins mainly B1(thiamine), B2(riboflavin), B3(niacin), B5(pantothenic acid), B6, B7(biotin), B9(folate), and B12.

B3 in particular is beneficial for the skin because it provides strength and reduces dryness of the skin which makes it very suitable for those with skin problems like eczema.

At the same time, B5 is commonly used in skin products in an attempt to make the skin more smooth and silkier aside from increasing the hydration of the skin.

Vitamin C

This is probably the most popular vitamin out there as vitamin C is known for its anti-oxidant effect that helps produce more collagen so that the skin remains intact.

Not just that but it is also believed to help individuals against skin cancer since it reduces the damage or cell death and heals the damaged tissues. It is true that vitamin C is commonly found in our diet but in some cases, additional supplements may be required.

Vitamin D

It is known as the source of vitamins from the sunlight and it is crucial for the production and replacement of new skin cells to maintain the healthiness of the skin.

There is research stating that the content of calcitriol in this vitamin can reduce inflammation and irritation of the skin for psoriatic patients by applying them on the skin.

Aside from food, drinks, and supplements, you can, of course, get this vitamin naturally from the sunlight. Be sure to not stay in the sun for too long as it too can damage your skin.

Vitamin E

The next vitamin in line for the skin will be vitamin E as it contains micronutrients with high anti-oxidant properties in order to fight against free radicals. It is believed to slow down the aging process by reducing the wrinkles on our skin.

Aside from food, this vitamin is also produced naturally by the sebum that is found in our pores. The effect of this vitamin will make you look much younger.

Vitamin F

The truth is this vitamin is not really a part of the vitamin family as the F refers to fatty acids that are commonly found in diets that are rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Interestingly enough, this vitamin also protects the systems and function of the skin on top of being a natural soft and smooth agent that freshen the skin.

Vitamin K

This is the vitamin that is found mostly in green vegetables like cabbage, spinach, salad, and many more. It is crucial to speed up the process of healing.

Not just that but this vitamin can also remove stretch marks, scars, and dark circles under the eyes making it very useful for the skin.

It can be said that there are many useful vitamins that are good for the skin by maintaining its strength, elasticity, and smoothness. It is best to get information and advice from your local dermatologist or dietician on the best diet for your skin's health.


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