9 Health Benefits Of Eating Chocolate

Some might argue that chocolate has very high calories with it containing carbohydrates, fats, some proteins, and lots of sugar. But it is also rich in vitamin B12, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin E, and minerals such as phosphorus, manganate, and zinc.

Chocolate especially the dark ones that are made from cocoa beans, contains various potent antioxidants such as flavonoids and polyphenols. If you wish to know the benefits of chocolate to one's health then you should continue reading this article.

1. Reduce The Risk Of Heart Diseases

The intake of chocolate in our diet can reduce the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases. Stearic acid despite being a saturated fat in cocoa, does not contribute to cholesterol levels and can reduce the chances of getting heart attack and atherosclerosis that are caused by blocked arteries.

The flavonoid antioxidant also protects the heart from damage caused by free radicals.

2. Decrease Body Weight

The reality is that most women do not think about the loss of weight when it involves the health benefits of chocolate. But it seems that you can still achieve weight loss while eating dark chocolate at the same time.

Research showed that dark chocolate is more filling compared to white chocolate. At the same time, eating dark chocolate will also decrease your desire for sweets, fats or salty food.

This means that you are allowed to take some chocolate on a daily basis for that extra benefit to your health.

3. Strengthen Immune System

One research showed that epicatechin and flavonoid which is a compound found in dark chocolate can protect the brain from strokes.

It was also found that these compounds can reduce the risk of nerve problems such as Alzheimer's disease.

4. Treat Cough and Flu

Cocoa due to its vitamin C, alkaloids, and flavonoids contained in them can give that relief effects on your cough and flu.

Fatty acids such as stearic acid, palmitic acid, and oleic acid can relieve sore throat, cough, and also flu.

5. Prevent Diabetes

We all know that diabetes is one of the main health problems today. It sounds interesting enough that the benefits of chocolate also include its capability to prevent diabetes.

Participants in one study that took dark chocolate every day for 15 days found that their insulin resistance went down by 50%.

Experts said that this is due to the flavanols that increase the production of nitric oxide. This will help the body to control insulin sensitivity.

6. Increase Energy

Fatty acids like stearic acid and palmitic acids(saturated fats) as well as oleic acid(non-saturated fat) help reduce our body weight and give energy without the risk of cholesterol accumulation with pure cocoa.

When cocoa is made into chocolate, the total cholesterol that you gain will depend on the type of milk(tone, semi-tone or full cream) and dairy products(margarine, powdered milk) that are used in them on top of the exercises that you are doing.

The sugar found in chocolate will also give you energy and relieve the body.

7. Reduce Stress

Cocoa contains tryptophan, an amino acid that has a calming effect on the body. Aside from that, cocoa also contains caffeine which is an alkaloid, theobromine, and phenylethylamine which are all considered stimulants.

They are effective mood stabilizers and an antidepressant.

8. Control Blood Pressure

The flavonoid in cocoa contains polyphenols such as catechin, epicatechin, and procyanidins that can increase the rate of nitric oxide in the blood which will help control blood pressure properly.

Nitric oxide helps prevent the thickening of the blood vessels as well as maintain the viscosity of the blood. This will reduce the pressure on the blood vessels and ultimately control blood pressure.

In contrast, for people who experience low blood pressure, a stimulant like caffeine and theobromine as well as the sugar present in chocolate will help increase the blood pressure overall.

9. Higher Intelligence

Chocolate will make you more vigilant which will also help you improve your intelligence from the flavonoid that increases the blood flow to the brain. One study showed that by giving children chocolate during exams will increase their capability and cognitive thinking.

With all that being said, moderation is still the key to a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Eating chocolate will definitely not cure the diseases that you already have but it does help a little bit in the aspect of prevention.


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