Best Time To Take Blood Pressure Meds

For most hypertensive patients on meds, finding the best time to take the medication is crucial so that its effectiveness can be seen to make sure that your blood pressure is always controlled. But when is the best time to take your hypertensive meds? Is it morning or nighttime?

Best Time To Take Your Hypertensive Meds - Before Sleep?

In most cases, we usually eat all our medication after food. But do all medication works the same way as hypertensive meds which are to take after food? Or perhaps there is a better time to swallow the pills?

Research of The Hygia Chronotherapy Trial that was published in The European Heart Journal found that cardiovascular risks and death occurring at bedtime can be reduced if the medication was taken before bedtime compared to taking them in the morning.

This means that individuals with high blood pressure who eat all their hypertensive medication before sleep is said to have more controlled blood pressure. This action is also said to reduce the risk of complications and death caused by heart attack or blood clots.

This study had more than 19,804 participants. The Hygia project was done in 40 main care centers between Social Security Health in northern Spain. It was cooperation from 292 doctors who received training to perform blood pressure monitoring in an ambulatory for 48 hours.

The Timing Of Intake Can Reduce Risks

The study that was conducted also took into account the possibility that may impact the results such as gender, diabetes type II, kidney diseases, cholesterol levels, and also smoking habits.

According to the director of the Bioengineering and Chronobiology lab at Vigo University, Spain, Professor Ramon C. Hermida said, "Patients who took their medications before sleep only face half of the risks."

This means that they will experience a reduction of 45% in facing issues about their health.

Fewer Risks Of Health Problems

Some of the risks include heart attack or death, myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure, or coronary revascularization (a procedure to remove a blocked artery).

The results of the individual analysis showed that the risk of death from heart problems or blood clots reduces by 65% as well as a 44% reduction in the risk of myocardial infarction.

Aside from that, a 44% decrease for those with coronary revascularization, 42% for heart failure as well as 49% in getting a stroke.

The Right Time To Take Hypertensive Meds

Professor Hermida stated, "There isn't a single guideline stating the perfect time to take hypertensive meds".

However, the time to take your meds early in the morning will be a common practice advised by most doctors. This is because it is considered in helping reduce blood pressure.

Based on the result of the study showed that patients who took hypertensive meds during bedtime routinely compared to those who take it in the morning had more controlled blood pressure.

Now the Hygia Project is researching on analyzing the best level of blood pressure while sleeping to effectively reduce cardiovascular risks in the THADEUS Trial(Treatment of Hypertension During Sleep).

Get The Advice From The Professionals

The impact of the Hygia Project showed a positive indication. But regardless of that, if you have high blood pressure or anything related to heart problems, it is best to get advice from your doctors on the best time to take your hypertensive meds.

Avoid making your own schedule for taking hypertensive meds without consulting certified healthcare professionals. One thing for sure is not to be too dependent on Mr. Google.


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