5 Benefits Of Pet Therapy To Your Health

The time spent with your pets offers many benefits in terms of your mental, physical, and emotional health. It can also improve your overall quality of life and pet therapy will help you to overcome overwhelming stress, fatigue, anxiety, and even depression.

With so many benefits you can gain, it has definitely helped a lot of people to get out of their lowest point in life and it can be considered a savior in your most dire situations. Here are some of the benefits that pet therapy can bring to your health.

1. Reduce The Risk Of Depression

Pet therapy reduces the feeling of loneliness that will finally lead to depression. It helps you by having a new friend or companion to talk to while you are either at home or even on a walk in the park.

This will slowly build up your confidence to have better social relationships with other people. Pets are our most beloved creature that offers comfort and assurance to their owners. There is something natural happening with regard to dogs or cats especially when you hug them in your lap.

One thing for sure is that you will never feel lonely as they will literally follow you everywhere you go.

2. Lower Risks Of Hypertension

People with hypertension are at higher risk of getting heart attacks and strokes especially as they grow older. The time spent with your beloved pets is found to reduce your blood pressure.

This will ultimately reduce your risks of getting heart attacks and other coronary issues. Hypertensive patients can benefit from pet therapy and probably undergo a healthier and longer lifetime.

3. Improve Self-Confidence

Children most often have lower self-esteem especially to confront other people and making new friends. By having a companion to talk to, they can express their feelings to the cat and have an interaction that will help them deal with other people in the future.

This will improve their relationship with other people and it will definitely be helpful for introverts, of course.

4. Increase Physical Activities

We all know that dogs love to go out for a walk and on top of that it keeps their physical traits up and running. At the same time, you can also join your pets to do some exercise around the park as this will increase your motor skills and encourage extra movements.

Staying active will also reduce the risks to your joints damaging as well as you from easily falling ill. This will definitely be beneficial for patients with arthritis as this will improve muscle strength and flexibility.

5. Strengthen Emotional Stability

Researchers have found that individuals that are involved in positive interaction with their pets will feel better about themselves thanks to the hormone dopamine and serotonin. These chemicals that are produced by the brain will help the body to control mood, prevent depression, reduces anxiety, and help us to remain calm in stressful situations.

Pet therapy will make the person feel safe, appreciated, and capable of expressing their emotions to other people. Interacting with our pets will stimulate laughter and bring happiness to people who struggle with mental illnesses and depression.


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