5 Introvert Signs That You Should Know

Do you have a friend who happens to be shy and quiet perhaps making you think that he/she is an introvert? Or even you might be an introvert? Those who are introverts are often misunderstood as someone who is less social, arrogant and do not like to mingle with other people.

The reality is that these traits are not similar to the true introverts that we would have expected. There are some distinct differences that we all should know.

What Does Introvert Really Mean?

An Introvert is an individual with the type of personality known as introversion which means that they are more comfortable focusing on their own thoughts and ideas compared to what is on the outside.

They love to spend time with only one or two people instead of being in a group of many people. When you hear the word introvert, you might think that the person is someone who is shy or quiet and prefers to be all by themselves.

Despite these traits might be true for certain introvert individuals, there are still many more personalities for this type of person. Whether the person is an introvert or extrovert, it all depends on how the world around us perceived them.

Introverts Sign That You Should Know

Here are some of the signs of introverts that you can see within you or the friends surrounding you.

1. Love To Be Alone

As an introvert, the best time to spend and enjoy your hobbies will be by yourself. These activities can be like reading books, a stroll in the park or even watching your favorite tv shows which will bring more comfort and easiness.

But this does not mean that an introvert will constantly want to be alone at all times. Many introverts also love to spend time with their friends and interact with others in society. But one thing for sure is an introvert will go back to their comfort zone to give it a thought and be in their thinking space.

2. Have a Small Circle Of Friends

The most common misconception of introverts will be that they do not like to be around anyone. This is not entirely true even though introverts generally do not like to socialize much often.

But they do have a small group of friends that they really trust and love to be around. Introverts do not have a big social group, especially with people that they barely knew. The trust is mostly built long-term and must deeply connect with them.

3. High Level Of Self-Consciousness

If you feel that you are someone who truly knows or understands yourself and is capable of having self-motivation, then it might be that you are an introvert.

Introverts tend to think and check what is within their own thoughts. Self-consciousness and a great understanding of your own self are crucial for introverts. Due to that, they often focus more time to learn about their true self.

So this might explain why they like to spend most time contemplating.

4. Learning By Observation

Introverts commonly prefer to learn something by observing alone. They like to see it first before trying even trying something new.

They prefer to see someone else do the job repeatedly until they feel that they should copy the action themselves. When introverts learn from personal experience, they love to train in privacy where they can develop the skills required without having the need to confront someone else.

5. It Is Difficult For Others To Join Your Circle

The most obvious one of them all will be that trying to befriend them seems almost impossible especially when introverts are associated with being quiet, soft, and sometimes misunderstood as shy.

Despite that being partially true, we cannot consider all of them to be shy. Generally speaking, individuals with this personality are careful with their words and do not waste time talking about unnecessary matters.

But nevertheless, if you are quiet and shy, then perhaps you might be an introvert.

In Conclusion

Even though it seems that introverts are those who rarely socialize, an introvert personality is what makes them unique and more careful in every aspect of their life compared to extroverts.

In fact, they are more self-disciplined and have a deep perception of something which is quite needed for a person's success.


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