7 Health Benefits of Java Tea

Java tea or also known as cat's whiskers is a very popular drink sold in many supermarkets out there. It is a unique plant with various health benefits making it a healthy choice of drink for many people.

One of the benefits that you can gain from drinking java tea is highly related to your digestive system. But is it really true as some claim? Here we would like to share with you the benefits that you can get from drinking java tea.

What Is Java Tea?

For your information, java tea originates from a plant known as Ortosiphon aristatus and it is a native plant to southeast Asia.

The name was given as such due to the unique shape of the plant resembling a cat's whiskers which gain its popularity. Aside from using it as a decoration in your house, the people back then used it as a traditional medicine to treat certain conditions.

It is definitely one of the favorite healthy drinks with a unique taste on top of its benefits to the consumer.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Java Tea?

As stated previously, it is very beneficial for our gut system as well as organs related to it like kidneys and bladder.

This is because java tea has an anti-diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-hypertensive properties which will help to treat symptoms related to our digestive tract. For instance, java tea is believed to prevent and treat bacterial and fungal infections in our bladder, thus improving urine flow.

This has been proven research published in the Ethnopharmacology journal stating that java tea can increase urine output which will make the body easily eliminate any infections that are present in a person's bladder.

At the same time, there are also other health benefits that you can get from taking java tea.

1. Treat Respiratory System Issue

Java tea is capable of helping treat respiratory system issues such as cough and asthma thanks to the extracts present in this magical plant.

For more effectiveness, it is best to mix this herb with ginger or lime especially when you are having a sore throat.

2. Regulate Blood Sugar Level

This plant can also help those with diabetes by regulating their blood sugar level in the body.

With that being said, this tea only acts as an alternative to your condition and it is best for you to see your doctor first before taking it.

3. Reduce Your Body Weight

Java tea is also believed to help you with weight loss which comes in handy for obese and overweight individuals.

Due to this popularity, it has become one of the best herbs for slim action and this plant is often marketed in the form of pills, tablets, and even food.

4. Conditions of The Mouth

Most of us might have constant issues with our mouth whether it is an infection, bleeding gums, pain, and various other issues.

The good news is that java tea is believed to relieve swelling and pain by either drinking or gargling them.

5. Treat Skin Problems

When java tea is processed to become an extract, pills, tablets, and such, this plant releases a type of oil that has a positive effect on an individual's skin.

For example, it can treat issues with skin dryness, rough skin, and others like bacterial, fungal, and viral infections of the skin.

6. Control Blood Pressure

The chemical compound found in cat's whiskers is also found to help regulate blood pressure following the antioxidants that are present in the plant.

The compound is known as methylripariochromene and it is believed to function by reducing the systolic blood pressure of the individual.

7. Detoxification

Most people have been consuming what they believe is detox and this plant has been long known as a tea to remove toxins from our bodies.

This is because it functions as a natural cleaning agent that results in the process of detoxification to remove harmful substances from the body.

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