7 Home Remedies For Toothache

Toothache is a common issue that has been haunting most of our lives whether it is happening in the morning before work or even at night while asleep. One thing that you all are looking for will be how to ease up the pain easily at home.

Oral care is of utmost importance especially when it comes to the improvement of our quality of life. Due to this issue as a result of various factors, the treatment itself can also vary according to their respective purpose.

Here we would like to share with you some of the home remedies that you can try to ease the pain of your toothache.

1. Gargling With Saltwater

This might just be the most popular method on this list considering that salt is always available at your home. Salt that is dissolved in water will have a natural disinfectant property making it suits best for any infection in your mouth.

Aside from that, saltwater happens to be a medium that will make the food that is stuck between your teeth come off. The purpose is to reduce inflammation and expedite the healing process in your oral cavity.

2. Ice Treatment

Using ice is another common way to reduce the pain especially if you have swelling on top of the toothache. This method does not only focuses on the pain alone.

It is capable of causing the blood vessels at the surface area to constrict and ultimately reduce the pain. The way to do it is pretty simple. All you need is a cloth and some ice wrapped around it and then apply them to the pain area for at least 20 minutes.

However, this might not be that convenient if you are having pain while asleep. This of course will leave your bed wet making you feel uncomfortable in the end.

3. Used Mint Teabag

Some of you might not know that used mint teabag can be used as one way to ease up toothache. It is suitable in cases where your teeth are very sensitive to ice causing sharp and tingling pain.

What you can do is not throw away any used teabag that you might have and simply place it in the pain area. Make sure that the teabag is not too hot and if you are comfortable with using cold ones, then it is as effective too.

You can place the teabag in your freezer for a few minutes first before putting it at your toothache.

4. Garlic

Some of you might despise the smell of garlic but it is known for having various benefits to you.

Because of this, this remedy might not be suitable for all of you especially people who have the issue of bad breath. Garlic has been used for centuries long in traditional medicine. Its health benefits are also supported by scientific research and if we were to look at the oral health context, it can definitely reduce pain.

You can just crush the garlic and mixed them with a bit of salt. Apply the paste to the pain area. But if you don't mind the taste of raw garlic, you can simply chew it in your mouth.

5. Mouthwash With Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has many uses in oral care and in this matter, it can reduce toothache, and inflammation, prevent the formation of plaque, and also aid in the healing of bleeding gums.

Most mouthwash available in the market has a very low concentration of hydrogen peroxide. If you were prescribed the ones with a high concentration of them, make sure to dilute them with a bit of water.

Always follow the dentist's instructions on its use and do not swallow the mouthwash after gargling them. Spit it out afterward.

6. Thyme

Thyme is not only useful in cooking like steaks but also can be used to treat your toothache. Similar to other herbs, thyme leaves have potent antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

It is usually sold as essential oil which can be used as a gargle or ointment. You just mix the essential oil with a glass of water before using it to gargle your mouth.

7. Cloves

Clove is one of the most popular spices used in dishes as well as traditional medicine. It contains a natural antiseptic known as eugenol. This made clove really effective in treating gum problems and inflammation of the mouth.

Similar to thyme essential oil, clove oil can also be used in the same manner. Mix the oil with a glass of water and gargle them in your mouth to kill all the bacteria and relieve the pain.

Final Words

If you are unable to go about with your daily activities due to your toothache, then perhaps using these home remedies might solve your problems.

If it is still ineffective, don't take it too simply and see your local dentist for the best consultation and treatment. Oral care is one of the crucial factors that affect your quality of life and it is just as important to take good care of them from the start.


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