9 Type Of Spices To Have In Your Pantry

In your home, you must have that typical common spice that will always be in your kitchen cabinets. Some individuals might only need 3 to 4 spices because they do not cook that often.

But some keep more than 10 spices to cook various dishes at home. Some of them add flavor to your food and bring many benefits to your health. These are some of the spices that you should have in your kitchen pantry especially if you love to cook.

List of Kitchen Spices You Should Have

We have listed some of the spices here including their uses for your reference.

1. Cardamom

Cardamom or sometimes known as cardamon or cardamum is a type of spice commonly used in making curries or kurma. In most cases, the cardamom that will be used is brown in color.

However, there is also green cardamom with a slightly higher price tag on them. Cardamom can help control your blood pressure due to its diuretic effect which stimulates the body to remove water through urine.

2. Cloves

Cloves happen to be one of the most expensive spices in the world. Not only that it helps to warm up our bodies during the winter but it also acts as natural pain relief for your toothache if chewed.

Clove is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties as it helps reduce any inflammation in our bodies aside from reducing the risk of arthritis.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is used in various dishes from pastries to the regular food we eat daily. This wooden spice has also been used since ancient Egyptian times.

This spice is rich in antioxidants that will protect our bodies from oxidative stress caused by the free radicals of the sun.

4. Star Anise

This is another unique spice as its shape is like a real flower that has been dried up. Similar to other spices on this list, aniseed is also beneficial to our health.

It has a mixture of compounds like linalool, anethole, and limonene which act as antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and antimicrobials.

5. Fennel Seed

The Indian people love to use this spice and it can be said that almost all kinds of Indian dishes will have fennel seeds in them.

For those who are struggling with bad breath might want to give this spice a try. This is because the essential oil of fennel seed contains anti-microbial properties which will help to freshen up your mouth.

You can try taking a few seeds of this spice and chewing them up to remove that bad breath of yours.

6. Cumin Seed

If you were to compare fennel seeds with cumin seeds, they both look somewhat similar to each other aside from the color. Cumin is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of diarrhea for decades long.

Research showed that the extract of cumin that was given to rats managed to cure them of diarrhea symptoms.

7. Fenugreek

In parts of southeast Asia, fenugreek is commonly used in traditional dishes like nasi lemak or nasi dagang.

It made the rice smell more fragrant and tasty when eaten. A study states that fenugreek seed can help stimulate even more milk to be produced for pregnant women. It can be considered one of the safest and most natural ways to stimulate milk production.

However, it is best to get the advice of your doctor first before planning on taking any kind of spice for this purpose.

8. Coriander Seed

Coriander leaves and seeds are the common parts of the plant that are used in cookings.

To your knowledge, coriander seeds are rich in vitamin K which is used in blood clotting in the event of any injuries that you may experience.

Aside from that, vitamin K is also beneficial in those with bone problems and avoids the risk of osteoporosis or brittle bones.

9. Mustard Seed

You should know that mustard seed is rich in various vitamins and minerals that are good for your health. Some of them include iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, and selenium. 

It is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin K, riboflavin, and folic acid. All these vitamins and minerals are crucial for your overall health.

Make Sure That These Spices Are Complete

If any of these spices are still missing from your pantry then this might be the perfect time for you to fill those shelves with these 9 spices.

These spices will not only entice your craving and improve the aroma of your food but also give other health benefits to your body and improve your quality of life.


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