Top 7 Largest Gold Mines In The World

Countries that are rich in natural resources are considered fortunate as they serve as an income for the nation. With so many resources like gold, metal, and oil, there are some countries like Saudi Arabia that managed to become very rich and capable of developing their nation compared to the rest of the world.

With gold being so precious and increasing in value as we speak, many people are putting their money in gold as it is not in high demand but also acts as a cover against rising inflation. Here we would like to share with you the top 7 largest gold mines in the world where your gold might have come from.

7. Kibali Gold Mine (Republic Of Congo)

Production: 22,906 kg(50,499 lbs)

AngloGold Ashanti along with Barrick Gold Corporation and Société Minière de Kilo-Moto are the companies behind the mining activities in the Kibali gold mine. The gold mine is situated in the Haut-Uele district which is about 220 km east of Isiro, the capital of the district.

It is an open pit and underground mine which opened back in 2013 and was owned by Kibali Goldmines company. As of 2022, the gold mine had a total production of 22,906 kg of gold.

6. Cadia Mine (Australia)

Production: 23,331 kg(51,436 lbs)

The Cadia Mine is Australia's biggest gold mine being ranked among the sixth largest gold mine in the world. Its annual production as of 2022 was 23,331 kg as it comprised the Ridgeway Underground Mine and the Cadia East Underground Panel Cave Mine.

It is a large underground and open-cut gold and copper mine found in the Cadia Valley of Australia. The mine has been open since the 1990s and is currently being operated by Newcrest.

5. Grasberg (Indonesia)

Production: 24,040 kg (53,000 lbs)

The Grasberg mine houses around 30,000 workers who work under the Grasberg underground mining company situated in Papua's province, Indonesia. Despite the decrease in the production of gold over these past years, it is still Indonesia's biggest mine producing well over 24,000 kg of gold in 2022.

Not just that but the mine is also rich in copper deposits to be mined. The mine is operated under a joint venture between the Indonesian government and Freeport-McMoRan(FCX) company.

4. Pueblo Viejo (Dominican Republic)

Production: 25,600 kg(56,438 lbs)

The Pueblo Viejo mine is the largest gold mine in the Southern American continent with a total production of 25,600 kg of gold. This mine is handled by a joint venture between Barrick Gold and Newmont with a split share of 60% to 40% respectively.

The mine however has raised an environmental concern due to pollution that has contaminated the rivers and killed the local livestock nearby. Nevertheless, it does not seem that the company is ever backing out as they plan to invest more into the gold mine.

3. Olimpiada (Russia)

Production: 34,019 kg(75,000 lbs)

The Olimpiada mine is the largest gold mine in Russia based on its production with it producing 34,019 kg of gold. The company responsible for managing this open-pit mine will be Polyus standing as Russia's top gold-producing company.

The Olimpiada gold mine is huge considering that it accounts for nearly half of Polyus' gold output. As of writing, it is estimated that 48 million oz of gold is still present within the mine.

2. Carlin Trend (USA)

Production: 47,201 kg(104,060 lbs)

Gold mining is a big industry in the state of Nevada, US as the Carlin Trend mine is one of the largest gold mines in the world. As of 2022, this gold mine produces roughly 47,201 kg of gold.

Not only that the gold being produced here accounts for 78% of US gold and around 5% of the global production. The gold mine is absolutely massive as it stretches 56km long and 8km wide of land area.

But the type of gold that is being mined here is known as invisible gold meaning that it can only be found by chemical analysis due to how small the gold particles are. Yet again this gold mine still generates a hefty amount of gold.

1. Muruntau (Uzbekistan)

Production: 56,700 kg(125,002 lbs)

Standing at the top of the list will be the Muruntau mine in Uzbekistan as it is the largest gold mine in the world based on its production. The gold mine can be found in the mountainous region of Murintau due southwest of the Kyzylkum desert.

In 2022 alone, this mine produces more than 56,700 kg of gold. The mine itself is enormous as it is located in the desert which is 3.3km long and 2.5km wide. It is estimated that the Muruntau mine contains 2,024 tonnes of gold reserves.


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