Top 5 Largest Rivers In The World

River is one flow of water that comes from a particular source upstream traveling all the way into the ocean. The existence of rivers has benefited most living creatures on this planet including mankind itself.

When we talk about how large a river is, we are taking into account the total length of the river meaning how long the rivers are. With many rivers around the world, here are the top 5 largest rivers in the world that have been found and confirmed.

5. Yenisey-Angara-Selenge-Ider River

Crossing the borders of two countries, the combination of these 4 rivers mainly the Yenisei River, Angara River, Selenge River, and Ider River stretches across 5,539km(3441 miles) in distance.

Based on the percentages, these 4 connected rivers are mainly found in Russia(97%) while the rest 2.9% are in the Mongolia region. The connection of this river is the biggest water source flowing in the Arctic Ocean.

4. Mississippi-Missouri-Jefferson River

Crossing across 31 states in the United States as well as 2 states in Canada, these three rivers deserve to be taken into account as the longest connecting river following the point of connection of the rivers.

The Missouri river connects with the Mississippi river in St. Louis whereas the Missouri river converges with the Jefferson river in Montana city. At the start, the braided river became a border for the regions before the area was reunited and this river became one of the crucial elements in the transportation system for cities in the US.

The combination of these three rivers goes as far as 6,275km(3,900 miles).

3. Yangtze River

The Yangtze river made the record as one of the longest rivers in the world that only flows in one singular country. It is well-known for being Asia's longest river, and the riverbank has become a settlement for most of the population of China.

The river goes as far as 6,300km(3914 miles) and it is also a place for various activities one is the biggest hydroelectric power plant in the world, The Three Gorges Dam which is located nearby Sandouping village, Huabei.

Unfortunately, the construction of the dam has also led to several issues with the Yangtze River following the soil erosion that has occurred causing extreme flooding in the vicinity.

2. Nile-Kagera River

Sitting in second place on the list will be the Nile-Kagera river and some might argue about the different approaches to measuring the river. Nevertheless, it is a rather lengthy river going as far as 6,853(4258 miles) km overall.

The water flows across three countries in Africa mainly Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo-Kinshasa, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan, and Egypt. The river has since become the center of ancient Egypt civilization and the opening of dams in 1970 has changed the fertility of lands along this river.

Big changes to agricultural activities were forced to improvise due to this issue. Kagera river which is found in Burundi has flowed into Victoria lake, the biggest lake in Africa.

1. Amazon River

The longest river in the world based on its length reach a staggering 6,992km(4,345 miles) as the Amazon river contribute 20% of the world's seawater as well as the biggest water source in the world.

The Amazon river crosses three countries in South America which is Brazil, Colombia, and Peru and it became the basic foundation for big cities a long time ago. At first, researchers did not find the main water source of the Amazon river placing it in second compared to the Nile river.

But the latest discovery of the Amazon River's water source coming from Mount Nevado Mismi which is located in the Andes Mountains has lengthened the official Amazon River's distance making it the longest river in the world.


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