Top 10 Smallest Countries In The World

With 195 countries in existence today, there are those with smaller areas that most of you might need to be made aware of. Some of them might be smaller than the state you live in today but are rather famous as a place to go for vacation. 

Some of you might also question how a small nation can thrive with such limited economic resources. The reality is that these small countries can remain strong due to raking in huge profits thanks to their tourist industry.

If you have the opportunity, do not miss out on visiting some of these countries and the beautiful experience they have to offer.

10. Malta (316 km2)

Malta is a small island nation located in the Mediterranean Ocean. The country is comprised of 3 main islands, Gozo, Comino, and Malta. The Republic of Malta has a population of over 450, 000 people making it one of the densest populated areas in the world.

Some of the main attractions for tourists will be their bright sunny sky, mesmerizing beaches, their nightlife as well as the country's history of the past times.

9. Maldives (300 km2)

Maldives is the hot spot for having your honeymoon and vacation with sandy beaches and bright blue ocean for you to experience. It is the smallest country in Asia and if you were to find it on Google Maps, you will have to zoom in several times due to how small it looks.

But one thing for sure is that if you wish to visit this island then be prepared to flush your wallet as it is going to cost you a lot.

8. Saint Kitts and Nevis (261 km2)

This country is the combination of 2 Caribbean beaches and it is the first island to ever be fully occupied by Europeans. Similar to other countries on this list, Saint Kitts and Nevis also depend highly on the tourist industry.

For those who love to go swimming and scuba diving, you are very welcome to visit this island as it has much marine life for you to see.

7. Marshall Islands (181 km2)

The Republic Marshall Islands is a country that can be found in the Pacific Ocean. It is situated between Hawaii Island and the Australian continent. It is also surrounded by cool biodiversities and it is believed to be home to more than 800 fish species and 160 species of coral reefs.

Some of the activities for you to enjoy is riding the boat around this beautiful island.

6. Liechtenstein (160 km2)

This is one of the most popular countries in Europe as it is a small nation found between Switzerland and Australia. This german-speaking country is also one of the richest countries in the world with a GDP per capita of over $150,000.

Due to the absence of an airport in this country, you will first need to land at Zurich airport before you reach this country that is ruled by a prince.

5. San Marino (61 km2)

San Marino is a unique country in that it is located in Italy but it is not part of Italy. If you feel to have a peaceful and quiet day, then visiting San Marino might be the ideal place. Similar to Liechtenstein, San Marino is also a rich nation based on its GDP per capita.

This small country in Europe has a population of merely 30,000 people and the picture above shows the Guaita fortress which is the world's oldest fortress with mesmerizing scenery.

4. Tuvalu (26 km2)

A country that was once known as Ellice Island is found in the Pacific Ocean due northeast of Australia. As many as 10,000 people live in this small country that only has a roadway of 8km in distance.

The country only has one hospital on the island and was once ruled over by the British before its independence in 1978. Despite it having a crystal blue ocean, not many tourists are willing to go here because of how far it is from other countries.

In 2010, tourists coming into this country were merely 2,000 and 65% of them came on a business trip.

3. Nauru (21 km2)

Nauru is the smallest island in the world with an area of 21 
km2 it was well known in 1980 for phosphate mining but has now since turned into a ghost town. The country received almost no visits from tourists ever since all its phosphate has completely depleted.

Around 90% of the people in this country are jobless and one interesting fact about this country is that it has one of the highest obesity rates in the world.

2. Monaco (2 km2)

For those who love gambling might have heard of this country as it is the place where the rich throws away their money and spend lavishly on expensive cars and boats.

Monaco is bordered by France and because of how small the nation is, the country's football club was forced to join in the French league. It is also one of the densest countries in the world.

1. Vatican City (0.44 km2)

The only country on this list that is less than 1 km in size will be Vatican city which is surrounded by Rome in Italy. It is the famous place for the center of Catholic churches and a place where you would find the world's biggest church.

Those who loved art in the Renaissance times will love visiting this place as it has many of them displayed all over the country. The economy of the country is mostly due to contributions from 1 billion members of the Roman Catholic church.


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