Top 10 Most Dangerous Chemicals On Earth

Toxic chemicals can have harmful effects or even death if consumed in our bodies sufficiently. The toxicity of a substance is usually measured in the form of a mouse unit(MU) representing the toxic dose killing 50% of mice(LD50) when exposed to such chemicals. 

Some of the substances on this list might surprise you as you consume them daily. Here we would like to share with you the top 10 most dangerous chemicals on Earth that have been proven deadly.

10. Caffeine

Estimated lethal dose: 4 grams

It is quite difficult to achieve a lethal dose of caffeine that is mostly contained in coffee and tea unless you drink yourself to death. However, there have been cases reported where the person took too much of caffeine pills.

On average, one cup of coffee will contain as much as 90 - 200 mg of caffeine. Only 2 grams of this chemical can put you in a hospital. Symptoms of excessive caffeine include disorientation, psychosis, and also rhabdomyolysis(breakdown of muscle tissues) may be present.

9. Heroin

Estimated lethal dose: 4 grams

This is one of the common drugs among addicts as heroin can be in the form of semi-synthetic based morphine which is made from poppy plants. Similar to other opium, heroin is used in medicine as a painkiller or recreational drug. But its potential to be misused is rather high.

The name of the substance came from the German word, "heroisch" that picture a feeling of courage due to its effective use. Originally heroin was made to treat cough symptoms and has few side effects.

The overdose effect of heroin can lead to abortion, liver infection, and even death.

8. Dendrotoxin

Estimated lethal dose: 1.5 grams

Dendrotoxin is produced by the black mamba snake that is also known as the 7 Steps since the victim being bitten by this snake will be rendered paralyzed by not more than 7 steps. The toxin from the Black Mamba will block the victim's nervous system causing total paralysis of the body.

It will first start as light pain on the body and tongue and lose the capability to control the body. If left untreated, the victim will start to experience excruciating pain in the stomach, difficulty breathing, and follow up by death.

7. Arsenic

Estimated lethal dose: 2 grams

Arsenic is a natural compound found in the earth's crust and one of the most dangerous chemicals in its natural form. It is generally used in the making industry of alloys, glass, paper, steel, and many more. It can also be found in cigarettes as the tobacco plant can absorb this chemical from the ground.

The effects of arsenic can disturb your body cells, especially in the energy exchange process. This condition may lead to several organ failures and ultimately death. Despite arsenic being toxic to the body, it still plays a crucial role in the treatment of leukemia.

6. Cyanide

Estimated lethal dose: 1.3 grams

Cyanide is a popular chemical during the Second World War and it is also used by secret agents as a fast and silent weapon. Cyanide functions to prevent our cells' access to oxygen and energy production.

This will cause sudden attacks of difficulty in breathing and heart attack. Death awaits in just a few minutes if left untreated. Exposure to this chemical can come from smoking, breathing in the smoke of plastic or coal or even consuming plants that have been contaminated by cyanide.

Usually, the victim will experience color changes on their skin when exposed to cyanide.

5. Tetrodotoxin

Estimated lethal dose: 0.003 gram

This chemical is known as tetrodotoxin or TTX which is a substance that has no antidote to it. This substance is commonly found in puffer fish compared to other animals. However, some of these puffer fish are known for a delicacy in Japan known as fugu and can only be served by qualified chefs.

TTX can result in an increase in the victim's heart rate, numbness, and muscle paralysis. The seriousness of the symptoms will depend on the amount of poison that gets into the body. The worst part is that the victim is still conscious and in pain despite not being able to move their body.

Death usually follows within 20 minutes to 8 hours of exposure to this toxin.

4. Ricin

Estimated lethal dose: 0.0005 gram

Ricin is a protein that has been evaporated from castor oil plants and it can be made into powder or white liquid. Only a small quantity is adequate enough to kill a human if injected or smelled.

The toxin from ricin will cause the cells in our body to not be able to produce the necessary proteins needed.

The first episode of the usage of ricin was in 1978 when a Bulgarian opposition, Georgi Markov was stabbed in his foot using a modified umbrella in front of many people on Waterloo Bridge, London.

The weapon contained ricin at the edge and Markov died 4 days later.

3. Mercury

Estimated lethal dose: 0.00015 gram

One of the most dangerous substances of metal will be dimethylmercury or commonly called mercury. This substance was found long ago in 1500 BC and it has been proven to cause death with just a measly dose of 0.1 ml.

The symptoms of mercury exposure will depend on the dose and its type. But the common ones include numbness and fatigue, and difficulty in speaking or seeing things. This toxin can also penetrate rubber gloves and get into our skin.

One of the incidents of mercury occurred to a chemist named Karen Wetterhahn in which months prior to his death, a small accident occurred in the lab as he spilled a few drops of mercury on the gloves that he was wearing.

2. Batrachotoxin (Dart poison)

Estimated lethal dose: 0.00012 gram

This chemical can be found in a particular frog species, especially the poison dart frog in Central and South America. Most of the indigenous people there will use this poison on their darts to go hunting.

The frog's poison can be classified as a neurotoxin that disturbs the victim's nervous system by preventing signals from being sent from the brain to other parts of the body. This toxin is produced by the frog from the back of its body and ears when it is disturbed or threatened.

As of now, there is still not any antidote that truly helps in treating batrachotoxin poisoning.

1. Botulinum toxin (BOTOX)

Estimated lethal dose: 0.00000015 gram

Despite Botox being widely used in the cosmetic industry it is still a potent toxin capable of causing death. It is also used for medicinal purposes such as in stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson and cerebral palsy.

In the cosmetic field, it helps prevent the skin from wrinkling by paralyzing the muscle on our faces so it remains tense.

Generally speaking in any medical procedure, they will only use a small amount of this chemical on our body since 80 nanograms of Botox injected into our body can lead to death. The toxic effect of Botox includes general paralysis which then causes difficulty in breathing.

Botox is considered 40 million times more deadly than cyanide.


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