Top 10 Deepest Points On Earth

Mankind has been drilling holes for thousands of kilometers into the earth's layer as we study our planet. The first thing that comes to mind will be how far have we managed to go deep into the earth's land? 

Several points in the world have astounding depths for us to see how far we can truly go. There are some cases where it all happens naturally without human intervention. Here we would like to share with you the top deepest point on earth that humans managed to discover.

10. Woodingdean Well (UK)

The Woodindean Well in Brighton, UK is a man-made well going as deep as 850 feet below sea level. This well holds the record for the deepest well in the world which was dug using bare hands.

The digging process started in 1858 by a group of men and finished 4 years later with an overall depth of 1,285 feet despite the original plan being only 400 feet deep. This well still exists to this day but its surface has been totally closed from the public.

9. Tagebau Hambach (Germany)

With a depth of 961 feet under sea level, the Tagebau Hambach is a lignite mine located in Elsdorf, Germany. It is the deepest exposed mine in the world. The inner distance of the mine goes for 1,213 feet and has one of the biggest drilling machines in the world that processes 24 thousand tonnes of lignite per day.

In this area is also the Sophienhöhe which is a man-made wooden mountain where tourists can visit and witness the Tagebau Hambach from afar. Not only that Sophienhöhe also holds the record for the tallest man-made mountain in the world with a height of 990 feet above sea level.

8. El Zacaton (Mexico)

Sinkhole is a natural phenomenon that occurs without any signs or warnings. You can imagine what would happen if the sinkhole appeared in a densely populated area. The Zacaton sinkhole is not only beautiful but also acts as a tourist site in Mexico.

It has formed since the ancient Pleistocene age or the Ice Age. By using a robot to measure the exact depth of this sinkhole, researchers found that it has a record of 1,112 feet below sea level.

In 1994, a group of divers attempt to go into this sinkhole up to 925 feet deep. It was quite unfortunate that one of the divers named Sheck Exley suffocated due to nerve compression syndrome and ultimately died at 900 feet.

7. Baikal Lake (Russia)

This mesmerizing lake pictures the natural wonders of the world as this lake is the deepest in the world with a depth of 5,387 feet. Many explorations have been conducted in Baikal Lake which is located in Russia.

In 2008, the Russian Academy of Science sent a small submarine to dive to the base of the lake reaching a depth of 5,180 feet. However, this record was then broken by Anatoly Sagalevich in 1990 with a record depth of 5,371 feet.

You can actually visit this wonderful place as many hotels and facilities were built around it for tourists to come and stay.

6. Krubera Voronya Cave (Georgia)

This unique cave located in Georgia is one of the deepest caves in the world with a depth of 7,208 feet. It has two different names one of which is Krubera which was given in the 1960s after a geographer, Alexander Kruber, and the other is Voronya Cave which is often used by explorers afterward.

Many years pass by and many expeditions into the cave have been conducted by a team from Ukraine, Britain, France, and Spain. They tried to study and explore more until the bottom of this cave.

5. Kidd Mine (Canada)

The deepest mine in the world will be the Mponeng in South Africa with a depth of 13,123 feet. But the deepest mine under sea level will be Kidd Mine in Ontario, Canada reaching a depth of 8,967 feet under sea level.

Its overall depth is actually 10,000 ft2  and it was opened in 1964. What started out as an open mine then continued to be dug underneath and today Kidd Mine is the biggest tin mine in the world with as many as 2,200 workers and producing millions of tonnes of yield each year.

4. Little Deep (Arctic Ocean)

Little Deep is the deepest point in the Arctic Ocean that is located in the Eurasian Basin, 350km due north of Svalbard. It has a depth of 17,881 feet and with the temperature being extremely low here, it might be one of the most dangerous places in the world.

The name Little Deep was given after the icebreaker ship, Fyodor Litke which was found in 1955. This icebreaker ship was operational since 1909 and was frequently used during the Soviet Union era for exploration of the Arctic.

The ship was also used during the Second World War before being sold in 1960.

3. Milwaukee Deep (Atlantic Ocean)

There are several gaps found in the Atlantic Ocean like the Romanche Trench at the depth of 25,649 feet and the South Sandwich Trench at the depth of 27,650 feet. But the deepest gap in the Atlantic Ocean will be the Puerto Rico Trench or commonly known as Milwaukee Deep which reaches a depth of 28,680 feet below sea level.

It is located 76 miles due north of Puerto Rico and was named after the USS Milwaukee ship that found this place on 14 February 1939. 13 years later a researcher name Theodore N. Gill measured and recorded the depth at 28,560 feet.

Geologists predicted that this area is capable of producing a devastating earthquake which will result in a huge tsunami.

2. Mariana Trench (Pacific Ocean)

The deepest gap in the world known to mankind will be the Mariana Trench with a magnificent depth of 35,994 feet. It has become the perfect location for researchers to learn more about the wildlife in this area.

In 2011, Richard Branson and film director, James Cameron place a bet on who will reach the bottom of the Mariana Trench first. It seems that Cameron won the bet as he managed to reach the deepest point of Mariana Trench on March 2012.

He used his mini-submarine to submerge into the water for 2 hours and 36 minutes to reach the bottom of the abyss. They also found some strange creatures lurking in the deep sea.

1. Kola Superdeep Borehole (Russia)

The deepest point on earth ever to be explored by humans will be the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia which was drilled by mankind themselves. They utilized a huge drill to dig a hole to a depth of 40,230 feet into the ground.

This project started in the 1970s with the target of digging as deep as 49,000 feet. However, they did not expect that at 40,000 feet in depth, the temperature will reach a staggering 220.6 °C(429.1 °F).

The group of drillers predicted that the temperature will increase to 300 °C(572 °F) as they reached the 49,000 feet depth. This will make the whole drilling process almost impossible to be done even though the machine was able to sustain such a temperature.

This project came to a halt in 1992 and the deepest record was almost 1/3 the distance to the earth's core.


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