Top 5 Largest Advertising Agencies In The World

The process of branding and marketing a product requires the help of advertising agencies so that the message is delivered to the intended customers. Advertising companies play a role in helping brand owners to reach their targeted customers, establish loyalty to a product and ultimately increase their overall revenue.

The marketing technique also evolves in relation to the advancement of technology with new methods being employed in this highly competitive industry. On a global scale, advertising agencies have their own expertise on how to get things done.

Certain agencies have offered consistent quality of work as they showed creativity and innovation to become one of the top-performing agencies out there. They utilize specific technology and advanced sources to stay at the top by producing one of the best marketing campaigns one will ever see.

Here we would like to share with you the top 5 largest advertising agencies based on their overall revenue.

5. Interpublic Group ($10.2 Billion)

Interpublic Group(IPG) is one of the best marketing solution providers in the world. This firm is an expert in advertising, digital marketing, communication management, media, public relations, and specialized marketing.

They have around 58,000 workers across the world. H.K. McCann Co. was established in 1911 and Erickson Co. in 1902 as both companies merged to form IPG on 2 October 1930 based in New York City.

At the time, the company was known as McCann-Erickson and it was the most successful advertising agency as it became a pioneer in this industry. IPG has comprised of several different companies categorized into 6 different fields. There are 3 global networks mainly: Foote, Cone & Belding(FCB), McCann Worldgroup, and MullenLowe.

4. Accenture Song ($10.3 Billion)

Accenture Interactive was founded in 2009 and it quickly expand to become one of the biggest digital agencies in the world which is now known as Accenture Song. This name combines the takeover of more than 40 companies ever since it was first established.

According to this company, the rebranding reflects the real world post-pandemic and delivers a message of their sustained mankind's skills and its relationship with the efficiency in technology.

A report for Accenture Interactive agency showed that Ad Age has recognized them as the biggest digital agency network in the world and the most advanced growing in the US and worldwide.

3. Publicis Groupe ($12.3 Billion)

Publicis Groupe is a multinational company based in France that specializes in advertising and public relations. Their headquarter is located in Paris and it is one of the oldest marketing and communication firms in the world.

In 1926, Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet who was 20 years old at the time established this founding body. It was a huge success in the beginning as he had close relations with the government's high officers, a great choice of icon to promote himself, and the capability of getting customers from various industries that are currently expanding.

Publicis Groupe is the pioneer in supporting the growth of the French economy after the Second World War, especially in the advertising business.

2. Omnicom Group ($15 Billion)

Omnicom Group Inc based in New York City is a global holding company operating in the US in media, marketing, and corporate communication.

Advertisement, customer relationship management, public relations, and specialized services are among the 4 main areas being offered by this branded company, Omnicom.

Omnicom was founded in 1986 through the merging of BBDO Worldwide, Doyle Dane Bernbach, and Needham Harper Worldwide. Some of the founders of Omnicom include Allen Rosenshine, Keith Reinhard, and John Berbach, son of William Bernbach.

1. WPP ($16.9 Billion)

WPP is the biggest advertising agency in the world. It is a holding company that operates in communication, advertising, public relations, technology, and trading. WPP is a British multinational company based in London, England.

In 1971, this firm which is now known as Wire and Plastic Products plc started its establishment by offering shopping carts. In 1985, Martin Sorrell and Preston Rabl bought the majority of the shares in the firm as they were looking for a company to start their global marketing business.

WPP continued to grow exponentially through its merging in the 1990s, buying companies from various sectors including retail and corporates, health products advertisement, online shopping, digital media, data management, digital marketing, and sports promotion.


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