Top 5 Largest Wind Farms In The World

When we talk about windmills, most of us will imagine the Dutch land as they sell them as souvenirs all over the country. At one point in time, it was believed that there are around 10,000 windmills in the Netherlands which were used for industries and farming throughout the country.

However, the existence of energy based on diesel and steam made the use of wind turbines becomes less in use. As of today, there are only about 1,000 windmills in the Netherlands. Some are still in use today while others simply stand as an iconic structure of the nation.

In order to reduce the dependency on coal, diesel, and other non-renewable resources that contaminate the environment. Most governments today are investing huge amounts of money in solar power and wind farms.

Here we would like to share with you the top 5 biggest wind farms in the world based on their energy capacity.

5. Shepherds Flat Wind Farm (US)

Energy capacity: 845 MW

The Shepherds Flat Wind Farm is located in Oregon, United States, and is currently the 5th biggest wind farm in the world. Its construction project was initiated in 2002 with a cost of $2 billion and the original plan was to only generate up to 105 MW of energy.

Several years later, a change of plan was made so that this wind farm can produce more electricity for the country. As of now, there are around 333 windmills operating throughout the farm capable of generating up to 845 MW of energy.

This wind farm was officially opened on September 2012.

4. Jaisalmer Wind Park (India)

Energy Capacity: 1,065 MW

The Jaisalmer Wind Park is India's second-largest wind farm located in the Rajasthan region. This area received a very powerful wind blow coming from the Arabian Sea and is capable of generating up to 1,065 MW of electrical energy.

This wind farm was established by Suzlon Energy company and started its operation on August 2001. This energy center still utilizes its old turbine with merely 350kW of energy capacity and some new turbines that generate 2.1 MW of energy.

3. Alta Wind Energy Centre (US)

Energy capacity: 1,550 MW

The Alta Wind Energy Centre is the US's biggest wind farm located in the mountains of California. This energy centre covers a huge land mass of 3,200 hectares and is capable of generating 1,550 MW of electrical energy and has been operational for more than 25 years.

Coming into 2040, this wind farm is expected to generate up to 3,000 MW of electrical energy. This wind farm is in a high position of 3,000 - 6,000 feet above sea level. The establishment of this wind farm was part of the US plan to generate 80% of the country's electrical energy from renewable sources in 2050.

2. Muppandal Wind Farm (India)

Energy capacity: 1,500 MW

Sitting in 2nd place will be the Muppandal Wind Farm which is situated in Tamil Nadu, India and it is India's biggest wind farm. At this wind farm, there are around 3,000 windmills operational capable of generating 1,500 MW of clean energy from wind.

The establishment of this wind farm is to rely less on the use of coal which increases its carbon footprint. The energy production of this farm is used to support the needs of the villagers in Tamil Nadu and the government is planning to expand this wind farm, even more, to generate 3,050 MW of electrical energy in the future.

1. Gansu Wind Farm (China)

Energy Capacity: 7,965 MW

With the highest energy consumption in the world, it only makes sense that China tops the list of having the largest wind farm in the world to fulfill its energy demand. Since the government of China is fully committed to introducing policies that conserve and preserve the environment, the establishment of the Gansu Wind Farm definitely seems promising.

With a whopping energy capacity of 7,965 MW, it is generated from 7,000 windmills in this region that is located in the desert. This project is among the other 6 projects being planned by the Chinese government and it is expected to generate up to 20 GW of energy in the future.


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