Why Do Cats Bring You Gifts?

If you have a pet cat at home then you are probably wondering why they send you these so-called "gifts" from time to time. These gifts might be in the form of dead spiders, rats, or even bigger victims like rabbits or squirrels. There are some cases where they would bring you strange objects like a teddy bear or even jewelry. 

This strange act is not something to worry about especially for cat owners out there as it is something common to happen and it is a sign that your cat cares about you. You might also find it strange that your cats did not even eat the critters that they hunt down.

In fact, the hunted animal is still breathing and alive leaving you in shock as you see it. So, what is the motive behind these gifts from your cat?

It Is All About Their Natural Instinct

Despite cats having been tamed for more than 10,000 years, they still have their wild instinct within them which is to hunt. Cats were born as natural hunters. Even though house cats do not need to hunt for food, they simply cannot resist the desire to go after moving objects.

In wildlife, the mother cats will teach their offspring how to catch their own food by bringing back the dead carcass or injured creatures to their dens. Domestic cats are also no different from these natural traits.

But modern cats that have been neutered do not have any offspring to pass down their hunting skills. Leaving behind a dead animal by you means that the cat is playing its natural role as a mother and teacher to their children.

Your cats have considered you as one of their own and for that, they will give you some of their catch of the day. By understanding this, you will not need to judge your cat for their actions as they are simply trying to look out for you with this strange habit.

All their actions are based on their natural instinct to survive which has been passed down by generations.

Other Animals With Similar Habits

Aside from cats, dogs also have similar habits in bringing their owners these gifts. Aside from these two pets, this behavior is also exhibited in one of the marine mammals such as dolphins.

On top of that, the perfect example can be detected in 2015 during a food control program in Queensland, Australia. During that program, a group of dolphins was given fish as food as part of the food control program.

Afterward, the dolphins were seen giving strange gifts and cephalopods (like squid) to the humans who gave them the food. The biologists that studied the dolphins suggested that this behavior can be considered as an advanced behavior of animals.

The dolphins also brought in other gifts like corals and plants they can find in the sea.


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