Top 6 Animals With The Best Hearing

It can be said that mankind is the best creation there is. But there is a certain characteristic that made certain animals much superior to us humans and that will be their hearing. Despite humans having genius brains, there are animals that can hear at a much farther distance than us.

Some of the animals on this list are man's best companions and are often made as pets as they protect us from enemies. Here we would like to share with you the top 6 animals with the best hearing out there based on their sound frequency range.

6. Dog (67 - 45 kHz)

All dog owners must have already known this especially when their dogs started barking at night time. For those who don't know, a dog has 4 times the power of hearing compared to a human.

This sharp hearing is influenced by several factors and the first one being that the frequency of a dog is twice that of a human. A dog's ear muscles are comprised of 18 different muscles in comparison with a human who only has 3.

These muscles help the dog lift, turn and incline their ears accordingly. This means that the dog can direct their ear to the incoming sound and thus improving their hearing significantly.

5. Cat (55 - 79 kHz)

Similar to dogs, cats are pets that also have some of the best hearing in the world especially for high-pitched sounds. In fact, the range of a cat's sound is much higher than a dog's.

This is because a cat has much higher muscle of 32 in each ear allowing them to move the ear forward and backward easily. Not just that but a cat is also capable of turning their ears 180° freely. If compared to humans, cats can easily find the source of sound.

4. Rat (250 - 80 kHz)

When it comes to hearing, there are some similarities and differences between rats and humans. One thing about rats is that they have a higher frequency range of around 250 - 80 kHZ.

Their hearing is much better than dogs and cats which explains why they always tend to get away from them. The rats used this to their advantage as their hearing is used to communicate with other rats in their community.

3. Bat (9 k - 200 kHz)

Bats act in a similar way to owls as they both are nocturnal but unlike owls, a bat has very poor eyesight. This is compensated by their sensitive hearing as they are able to maneuver around at night hunting for food.

It is not just their hearing that is good but the reflection system that they have. During their flight at nighttime, they will emit a few series of ultrasounds which will later reflect their sensitive ears.

Their highly efficient ear cells will do the analysis and help them identify the location and size of a particular object from a far distance.

2. Dolphin (2 - 200 kHz)

Since dolphin is one of the smartest creatures on the planet, they are also good in hearing too. Despite having a much smaller external ear, dolphins can send sound to their middle ear through their jaws underneath.

The hearing cortex system of dolphins is much superior to that of humans. On top of that, dolphins use echolocation or sound reflection to locate objects around them.

1. Moth (300 kHz)

As small as this animal might be, it has the best hearing out there. Not just any species of moth but it is the greater wax moth that has the best hearing even compared to a bat.

It can be found in various parts of the world, as this moth can hear sound up to 300,000 Hz of frequency. As of now, there has not been any animal in the world which has such superior hearing.

This sharp hearing helps the moth avoid being eaten by bats which also have good hearing.


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