Top 6 Biggest Lizards In The World

Lizard is a group of squamate reptiles that can be found all over the world(except for Antarctica) with more than 6,000 species in existence. This group of animals is paraphyletic since it does include snakes and Amphisbaenia.

Lizard can come in different sizes and colors and can even reach the size of an adult human. Here we would like to share with you the top 6 biggest lizards in the world.

6. Bengal Monitor

The Bengal Monitor or commonly known as common Indian monitor is a lizard found abundantly in India, and also certain parts of Western and Southeast Asia. This lizard is the 6th largest in the world growing up to 1.75 meters long and weighs 7.2 kg.

The male lizard tends to be much bigger than its counterpart as this animal feast on insects, scorpions, snails and other small invertebrates. It also eat other small lizards and snakes too.

5. Perentie

Perentie is the biggest lizard in Australia and the 4th biggest in the world. It can grow up to 2.49 meters long and weighs 15kg. Perentie is carnivorous in nature and can hunt various creatures and even other lizards as its food.

In fact, Perentie has been seen hunting down a much bigger prey like kangaroo. Its tail is also used as a weapon as it is strong enough to break even a dog's feet.

4. Nile Monitor

Nile Monitor lizard is another family lizard that grows to a considerable size and can be found across the African continent. Its other name African small-grain lizard might fool you as it grow up to 3.2 meters long and weighs 20kg.

This lizard species has big pointed teeth and equipped with sharp claws so it can dig, climb, protects itself or claw its way into its victim.

3. Varanus Salvadorii

Varanus Salvadorii or also known as the crocodile monitor is a lizard species native to New Guinea. Its other name include Papua monitor, Salvadori monitor and also artellia due to its nature.

It is the biggest lizard found in New Guinea with a length of 2.44 meters. Its tail is quite long in that some claimed that it has a longer body length than the biggest lizard in the world, the Komodo Dragon.

Despite being long, it is not as heavy as people would have though as its weight usually reach a maximum of 20kg.

2. Asian Water Monitor

This lizard is the second biggest in the world originating from Southeast Asia and South Asia. The lizard commonly lived by the waters along many of the islands in Indoneisa, Malaysia and India.

But the International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) has listed the Asian Water Monitor as an endangered species due to its decreasing population. The maximum weight of an Asian Water Monitor can reach 50kg and feast on turtles, frogs and sometimes even crocodiles.

1. Komodo Dragon

It is without a doubt that the king of lizard is the Komodo Dragon being the biggest lizard in the world. It is a species found in the islands of Indonesia like Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang and Padar.

It is capable of growing up to 3 meters long and weighing 70 kg. Unlike other lizards, the Komodo Dragon has a venomous vite and hunt down animals like mammals, birds, and invertebrates.

It loved to live in hot and dry area and has a powerful tail for a blow.


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