Top 10 Biggest Telescopes In The World

Ever since the times of Galileo, mankind has utilized the telescope to unravel the mystery of the universe. Galileo explored the night sky and discovered the Milky Way but today, telescopes are used for various research purposes.

One of the most crucial features of a telescope will be to see the colors and types of light that the eye could not see such as infrared, ultraviolet, gamma rays, x-rays, microwaves, and radio waves.

A telescope can see in detail in a better view than our naked eyes and at the same time has recorded the previous observation so it can be studied and shared. Here we would like to share with you the top 10 biggest telescopes in the world.

10. South African Large Telescope (SALT) - 9.2 Meters

Located at the South Africa Astronomy Observatory, SALT is a 9.2 meters telescope that happens to be the biggest one in the southern hemisphere.

It is capable of producing polarimetric and spectroscopic radiation waves and is used for object detection in the northern hemisphere.

9. Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) - 10 Meters

This is a telescope with an aperture size of 10 meters located in the MacDonald Observatory, Texas. It was built from 91 hexagonal segments, a technique that has the more economical sense to build.

The telescope mirror can spin around its base and can track a single object for up to 2 hours long.

8. Keck 1 and Keck 2 - 10 Meters

This twin telescope with a similar size to the HET measuring 10 meters and has the same segment built. Both telescopes operate in an orderly manner by the peak of Mauna Kea Mountain in Hawaii.

The small mirror segment operates as one huge entity. It is used as an optic and infrared observatory as this telescope is equipped with a spectrometer and cameras.

7. Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) - 10.4 Meters

The Gran Telescopio Canarias(GTC) is a huge single-aperture telescope measuring at 10.4 meters. It is located in La Palma at Roque de los Muchacos Observatory.

The telescope is part of the European Northern Observatory(ENO) group. The scenery at Canary Island is relatively good for infrared and optic observation.

6. Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) - 12 Meters

The Atacama Large Millimeter Array or ALMA is comprised of 66 radio telescopes measuring 12 meters in diameter.

One shocking discovery was made by ALMA in 2018 as it found the most distant oxygen in space. The presence of oxygen in space was approximately 13.28 billion light years in distance.

5. Square Kilometer Array (SKA) - 15 Meters

The Square Kilometer Array(SKA) project is currently underway as the Australian and South African governments collaborate to make it happen. After completion, this telescope will have a collecting area of roughly 1 sqkm in size which will be 50 times more sensitive than any other radio instrument.

It should be able to survey the universe more efficiently than before based on its original plan.

4. Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) - 25 Meters

The Giant Magellan Telescope(GMT) is an optic telescope measuring 25 meters in diameter and can be found in Chile.

It is still under construction and is set to complete by 2029 which will be used to explore outer space and any sighting of living creatures in the universe.

3. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) - 30 Meters

This Thirty Meter Telescope is known for being an extremely large telescope and is currently on the way as various parties collaborate together to build this 30 meters telescope.

Many people have criticized its proposed construction in Mauna Kea, Hawaii. However, thanks to the light-gathering power of the telescope, this will allow astronomers to undertake their research in a more ideal condition.

2. Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) - 39 Meters

Another big telescope is located in Chile or precisely the Atacama desert measuring 39 meters in diameter. It was designed by the European Southern Observatory(ESO) and is set to be completed by 2027.

Compared to the human eye, this telescope can gather 100,000,000 times more light. Not just that but this telescope will be protected by a massive spinning dome measuring 80 meters tall.

1. 500 Meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) - 500 Meters

The Chinese are definitely very ambitious with their telescope project as the 500 meters Aperture Spherical Telescope(FAST) currently holds the title of the biggest telescope in the world.

The telescope was opened in 2020 and FAST's surface is made of 440 triangular panels. Even though the reflector itself is 500 meters in diameter, only a circle of 300 meters in diameter is used.


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